Download E-Hentai archive as zip file
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When updating galleries, any existing v1 images in the gallery are now upgraded to v2 to avoid an inconsistent mix of resamples. Let me know if you notice any issues with this.
A conversion process was also started to gradually migrate existing public galleries to v2, working its way backwards. This process is currently estimated to finish around mid December. Of 2026.
简而言之,EH 正在将其重采样图像从 jpg 迁移到 webp,这样可以在相同文件大小下获得更好的图像质量,并且 780x 重采样更改为 800x。它已经应用于新 gallery,并逐步替换到旧 gallery。
此外,一些 gallery 可能本身就是以 webp 格式上传。