All Magnet to BT

找出页面的磁力链,给出对应的种子下载地址//Find out all magnet links in current page and get their torrent download URLs. In theory, it supports many sites. you can add your favorites by //@include

< Обсуждения: All Magnet to BT

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

你好 我想问下你截图 中 javbus一排磁力名称也是js吗?


Создано: 13.09.2015


Just tested this and it works great. Better than other Hash to Torrent scripts available. Great work Wang Hsin-che! ArabPiety

Создано: 21.09.2015

Just tested this and it works great. Better than other Hash to Torrent scripts available. Great work Wang Hsin-che! ArabPiety

@ArabPiety Thanks for your feedback~


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