HaremHeroes Automatic

Open the menu in HaremHeroes(topright) to toggle AutoControlls. Supports AutoSalary, AutoContest, AutoMission, AutoQuest, AutoTrollBattle, AutoArenaBattle and AutoPachinko(Free). Messages are printed in local console.

< Обсуждения: HaremHeroes Automatic

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Создано: 08.10.2018
Изменено: 10.10.2018

AutoLeagues branch


Use at your own risk, obviously.

Changes: Removed autoPachinko, as it was not working and not very useful anyway. Added autoleagues: sorts league list by level and goes through it one by one. Added autoStat: it gets a Bank value as parameter. Spends cash above Bank to upgrade stats, tries to keep main stat about double than secondary stats Changed autoArena: now it goes directly to battle instead of searching for "Select" button. This gets rid of Daily reward bug, but might (rarely) skip opponents.

Создано: 08.10.2018
Изменено: 08.10.2018

And 8 minutes later, a bugfix ;)

Создано: 08.10.2018
Изменено: 08.10.2018

thank :)

Создано: 08.10.2018
Изменено: 09.10.2018

2 bugs 1 The whole script stops when it complet a daily quest in the arena 2 A visual error in this scrip http://prntscr.com/l3umfm

Oh, I totally forgot about that dayly reward error. I personally just set the page on autorefresh every 10 minutes to get rid of that. Don't have the energy to hunt the bug itself.

@"Dorten D" dijo: Oh, I totally forgot about that dayly reward error. I personally just set the page on autorefresh every 10 minutes to get rid of that. Don't have the energy to hunt the bug itself.

I thought about set this opponent 1 URL GOTO=https://www.hentaiheroes.com/battle.html?id_arena=0 opponent 2 URL GOTO=https://www.hentaiheroes.com/battle.html?id_arena=1 opponent 3 URL GOTO=https://www.hentaiheroes.com/battle.html?id_arena=2

this completely avoids having to search for character selection button which is where the problem occurs. I have no idea of codes :s

OK, did that. Now waiting for last todays prize, to check if this helps.

Создано: 10.10.2018
Изменено: 10.10.2018

SEEMS working. Updated the code. Plus added something little extra.

It might skip opponents if something goes wrong while battle page loads, but should be fine othewise.

Создано: 11.10.2018
Изменено: 11.10.2018

thanks it looks tasty :)

Создано: 15.10.2018
Изменено: 15.10.2018

@ "Dorten D" thank you very much !!! Finally it works for my autoarea !! :)

I found 2 bugs.

1.- Autoquest is an infinite loop when you have the entire mission accomplished and / or all the energy. Try to find a new mission all the time and I can not do anything else, it is stuck there. 2.- Autostats. It is an infinite loop when you have all the statistics added, the message is always displayed:" You are already at your maximum".

It is very annoying these infinite loops that not allow to do anything, ¿it posible add a static button to "turn off" all the features when you appear these loops, to be able to disable the script without complications? Or turn off the options from the script panel?

Autoleagues the first time the scrip looks for all the opnenetes and then fights truth? some minutes in doing this?

Sorry for my english try to explain to me the best I could.

PD: Autosal., Autotroll, Autoarena, Autoleague work perfect! Autocontend and automission I could not test them yet.

PD2:I use Firefox, I try with Chrome and do the same..

I detected that sometimes does not load the page of the league properly and the scrip acts very fast, so increase the time to "find" the button when it is loaded .. is not optimal but it worked.

Modify on line 742:

setInterval(function(){$(".challenge button.blue_button_L").click();},500); to setInterval(function(){$(".challenge button.blue_button_L").click();},2000);

About autostats - it means, that I do not know the correct formula for Max stat. Can you give me several datapoints on this in (level - maxvalue) format?

I think, I fixed stats :smile:

Also it's going directly to battle page in Leagues just like with the arena (no button searching)

doStatUpgrades() broke for me today (if the script isn't working for you, check the browser console). The fix is to change line 540 so that h_ajax() is now hh_ajax() .

I'm giving away my HentaiHeroes account. Message me if you're interested. First to message me wins. Account has 100 girls (including Levitya, Norou, and Fanny & Fione). Level 273.

fixed hh_ajax. Also, leagues a screwed atm, to turn them off forcefully uncomment the

//sessionStorage.autoLeagues = "false"

line in the start function

Is the pastebin script working fine?

It was getting into a hard cycle because of beagues being broken. Should be fine now

what is the paranola button for? :D

Создано: 19.10.2018
Изменено: 19.10.2018

That's highly experimental shit, that makes the script work in short bursts with pauses between them. depending on your local time it will go on short breaks (from 7 AM to 6PM), longer ones (from 6 PM to 11PM) and a single long break of eight hours between 11PM and 7 AM. All to make it seem, like a real human is playing.

It lowers salary gains by 30% or so, and you miss 8h of arena battles, of course.

Also there's a problem with 8h break, as it's too long and servers think, that you are disconnected, so it breaks everything :(. But you can use it outside of that break, if you want.

Also, Autostats were broken again. Fixed. Again.

Создано: 21.10.2018
Изменено: 21.10.2018

What does autostats do and also why does the script doesn't work for me? AutoSal. no work. basically everything stopped working. Also it crashes nowadays.

UPDATE: It works now. also what does autostats do? how does it work?

Can anyone make a fix for the autosal when it just get stuck in one girl not collecting anything? it says its closest time is less than/equal to 2 seconds and just stays at the harem menu.

My account has passed on to a better place.

@"Mystic Delta" said: What does autostats do and also why does the script doesn't work for me? AutoSal. no work. basically everything stopped working. Also it crashes nowadays.

UPDATE: It works now. also what does autostats do? how does it work?

@"Mystic Delta", autostat increases one of the three stats that you can increase on the first two tabs of the Market. That stat increases your ego, which helps for Arena, League, and Bosses. For me it increased Charm, I think because my account was class Charm. Right now it only runs once, when the script loads, probably because it's a bit buggy, so it's not allowed to run every time autoloop() runs. It doesn't stop when it reaches whatever cash limit you set (default is 5M), I think for two reasons:

  1. It doesn't do the math correctly. If you watch the console, it's not subtracting the right amount, so it thinks that you have more money left than you actually do.
  2. The script has the cash limit three times in script, and it didn't look like it was updating them all (but maybe this was okay, and it was just the math problem).

If you really want to run it (worth it, if your main stat is far behind, I was at least 300+ from MAX, and hitting that button 300+ times was not gonna happen), here's what you'll want to do:

  1. In setDefaults() increase autoLoopTimeMili to at least 1500 (so you have enough time to stop the script from bankrupting you)
  2. Open the console (so you have an idea of how many times it has run, and what the script thinks your balance is)
  3. Update your desired minimum balance in doStatUpgrades(), setdefaults(), and start() (I changed it to 9M, to give myself plenty of buffer from my desired minimum balance of 6M).
  4. Move the following code from the bottom of start() to autoLoop() after autoTrollBattle section:

if (sessionStorage.autoStats === "true" && getBurst()) { doStatUpgrades(); }

  1. Turn on autostat().
  2. Refresh the page whenever you want the script to get your true balance.
  3. Turn off autostat() when you're not using it (since it's buggy, just to be safe).

If you want to know how much it's going to cost you to reach MAX, then install the "approved" helper script, and it'll add a question mark to the right of your three stats. Hovering over this shows how many upgrades to MAX, and the cost. (In my case it was $32M, so it took a few runs of the script, and hoarding cash in between, to reach MAX for me).

Good luck!

@"Mystic Delta" said: Can anyone make a fix for the autosal when it just get stuck in one girl not collecting anything? it says its closest time is less than/equal to 2 seconds and just stays at the harem menu.

@"Mystic Delta", when this happens, it's because of something server side, so I don't think that this can be fixed. For some reason, once in a while the server reports that a girl has money to collect, when she doesn't. If you try to collect, then the server responds that the girl has nothing to collect, and doesn't allow you to collect, but continues to tell the client page that there's something to collect. It's a server glitch, and probably can't be fixed on our end.

If you're wondering if it's the case that it's a server glitch, then turn off autosal() for a bit, and try to click on the girl. It won't collect. You can refresh the page, log out, and the server will still show that the girl has $ to collect. You can keep clicking on her, no luck. Eventually, the timer on that girl does really run out, and she actually has something to collect. That's when the script starts working properly again.

For me, in autoloop(), I just moved the autosal to near the end, after autotroll, then increased the autoloop time to 1500 ms. At least that way everything else gets taken care of, before it gets stuck on autosal until the timer runs out.

Since I no longer have an account, this is my last post. Happy hunting!

Thanks @"Ally Except" would be nice if someone could have told me how to move the priorities in the autoloop function. Also I don't need the autostats, I recently maxed my stats out so yeah.

RE fixed autostats. Now it should use right formulas for stat caps and costs. should.

I mean, of course it works now!

It doesn't work for me, the switches are "on" but they dont work. like when I refresh the page or even go to a different screen in-game it just turns them all off.

Can someone isolate the autoleagues for me? in a way that I can just apply it to this other script that i have that works most of the time?


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