E-H Visited

Upgrade to EhxVisited (sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/377945)

< Обсуждения E-H Visited


error when using script

looks like something got tweaked, which broke the script. Tried disabling all my other scripts and reinstalling EHV, and still get the same error.

jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined at ehvTimestamp (:152:52) at HTMLDocument. (:218:3) at l (:3:29375) at c (:3:29677) undefined

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined at ehvTimestamp (:152:52) at HTMLDocument. (:218:3) at l (:3:29375) at c (:3:29677)

Not sure if this is the same bug, but only happens on the thumbnails mode in frontpage/searchpage. Favourites' thumbnails is unaffected, and no compact mode is affected.

Replaced my c:/user/appdata/roaming/palemoon/user path with

jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).find(...).attr(...) is undefined ehvTimestamp@chrome://greasemonkey-modules/content/sandbox.js -> file:///PALEMOON.default/gm_scripts/E-H_Visited/E-H_Visited.user.js:147:10 @chrome://greasemonkey-modules/content/sandbox.js -> file:///PALEMOON.default/gm_scripts/E-H_Visited/E-H_Visited.user.js:147:10 l@chrome://greasemonkey-modules/content/sandbox.js ->file:///PALEMOON.default/gm_scripts/E-H_Visited/E-H_Visited.user.js:147:10 a/ file:///PALEMOON.default/gm_scripts/E-H_Visited/E-H_Visited.user.js:147:10

Создано: 04.04.2019
Отредактировано: 04.04.2019

They changed the site a little. Version 3.2 has fixed it. Thanks!


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