8muses Downloader

Download from 8muses.com

< Обсуждения: 8muses Downloader

Отзыв: Плохой — скрипт не работает

no longer working

i attempted to download a bunch of stuff earlier only to find empty zip folders. also, i had to edit the script to work on the site- needed to add "comic." to the url for it to even display the download button.

I've found the same thing. It doesn't display the button and it won't properly download the pictures. This can be fixed by:

Replacing line 8 from:

// @match        https://www.8muses.com/comics/*


// @match        https://comics.8muses.com/comics/*

Replacing line 59 from:

images[idx] = 'https://www.8muses.com' + imageSrc;


images[idx] = 'https://comics.8muses.com' + imageSrc;

Also add this line after // ==/UserScript==

/* globals jQuery, $, JSZip, saveAs */

Thanks. It should be fixed now.

this script doesn't work :(

It takes quite a long time after images have been downloaded for jszip to save. It's possible this is related to https://github.com/Stuk/jszip/issues/617 and by changing

// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jszip/3.2.2/jszip.min.js


// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jszip/3.10.1/jszip.min.js

But this doesn't seem to have worked locally.

From https://github.com/furyutei/twMediaDownloader/issues/87 it looks like it's best to use version 3.1.5 of JSZip


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