e-hentai to nhentai

A button in e-hentai, for search Gallery in nhentai

< Обсуждения: e-hentai to nhentai

Отзыв: Нормальный — скрипт работает, но имеет существенные недостатки

For those who don't have the script working, you need to change the script.
1)Click on the Tampermonkey icon.
2)Select the control panel (pinion icon)
3)On the line "e-hentai to nhentai" select "edit" on the right side of the screen (pencil icon)
4)In the code you need to replace the function (function SearchNyahentai() { ...) to this one
function SearchNyahentai() {
var title=document.title.replace(/( - ExHentai\.org)|( - E-Hentai Galleries)|[^\w\d\[\]]/g," ");
5)Click Ctr+S


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