Hentai Heroes Helper (auto collect, button press and more)

Extension for Hentai Heroes game.

< Обсуждения: Hentai Heroes Helper (auto collect, button press and more)

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Deleted user 436536
Создано: 14.03.2022

Can we add ability to disable certain features? I do not want the collect money feature and I want the Leagues Color coding feature to default to off till I hit the button, rather than on by default unless I hit stop. The collect money feature always jumps me around as soon as i enter the harem to find a girl I am looking for or if I am upgrading attraction and I go there from the market, it jumps to another girl for collecting before I can even react and upgrade the girls attraction. I also do not want the auto auto mission collect feature. I usually time collecting them to take advantage of the market refresh that happens when increasing a level.

Or are there parts of the code i can delete to disable the money collect feature?

Создано: 15.03.2022

I'm planning to do it in next version but it will take some time..

for now you can comment using // collect(); on line 244 of version 1.4.10

Создано: 16.04.2022

Hi! i added the settings section now (in home white icon on top right)
Turn off "Auto collect when enter in harem" and "Colored leagues list"
Let me know if any problems


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