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Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Brother this script is amazing and its what I have been looking for, but recently using the arrow keys to scroll is jumping between the images at random points instead of slowly scrolling up and down like with the mouse wheel is there anything you can do about this or tell me what may need to be fixed. Thank you so much for the script

Создано: 27.03.2024
Изменено: 27.03.2024

Is it the current web page or the new tab gallery?

這是腳本的快捷鍵功能,↑ 、↓是圖像導覽。
Current web page:
This is the shortcut key function of the script, and ↑ and ↓ are image navigation.
The next version will add an option to turn off this shortcut key in the Script Manager menu.

New Tab Gallery:
W、A、S、D、↑ 、↓、 ←、 →

okay understood then i will pay attention for the new version when it comes out but yes in the current web page version the ↑ and ↓ for image navigation instead of slowly scrolling it will jump ↑ or ↓ quickly to random images instead of the next immediate one. Once again thanks for everything

無法復現您提出的情況,↑ 或 ↓圖像索引正常加減1,並沒有隨機的情況發生。
The situation you raised cannot be reproduced. The ↑ or ↓ image index increases or decreases by 1 normally, and no random situation occurs.

1.12.1 updated
Added Turn Off Image Navigation Shortcut Keys option to Script Manager menu


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