Download E-Hentai archive as zip file
< Spätná väzba na E-Hentai Downloader
Just tried around 5 galleries and didn't see anything wrong.
Please post some galleries URL that not working correctly, and provide logs by pressing `F12` and switch to `Console` tab, then start download and copy all the logs from browser's devtools when it get failed.
BTW if you're using behind a proxy server, this may due to the proxy server connection is not stable.
Just tried around 5 galleries and didn't see anything wrong.
Please post some galleries URL that not working correctly, and provide logs by pressing `F12` and switch to `Console` tab, then start download and copy all the logs from browser's devtools when it get failed.
BTW if you're using behind a proxy server, this may due to the proxy server connection is not stable.
Same issue here, I do access and download from the site using a proxy, but never had any problem until 2-3 weeks ago (been using the same proxy for over a year). I have tried different proxy servers but no luck, the issue persists on both exhentai and ehentai.
Below is a section of the failed log:
E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12846 [EHD] Index > 3 | RealIndex > 3 | Name > _2.jpg | RetryCount > 3 | DownloadedCount > 0 | FetchCount > 3 | FailedCount > 0
failedFetching @ E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12846
onload @ E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:13142
HttpRequested @ injected-web.js:1
onHandle @ injected-web.js:1
(匿名) @ injected-web.js:1
xe @ VM52 injected.js:1 @ VM52 injected.js:1
HttpRequested @ VM52 injected.js:1
(匿名) @ VM52 injected.js:1
h @ VM52 injected.js:1
E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:13129 [EHD] #2: Empty Response (See: )
E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:13130 [EHD] #2: RealIndex > 2 | ReadyState > 4 | Status > 200 | StatusText > OK
Request URL >
Final URL >
ResposeHeaders >Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 10:53:47 GMT
Server: Apache
Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000
Expires: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 10:53:47 GMT
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Length: 5677036
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=_2.png
Connection: close
Content-Type: image/png
E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12846 [EHD] Index > 2 | RealIndex > 2 | Name > _2.jpg | RetryCount > 0 | DownloadedCount > 0 | FetchCount > 3 | FailedCount > 1
failedFetching @ E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12846
onload @ E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:13142
HttpRequested @ injected-web.js:1
onHandle @ injected-web.js:1
(匿名) @ injected-web.js:1
xe @ VM52 injected.js:1 @ VM52 injected.js:1
HttpRequested @ VM52 injected.js:1
(匿名) @ VM52 injected.js:1
h @ VM52 injected.js:1
E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:13129 [EHD] #2: Empty Response (See: )
E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:13130 [EHD] #2: RealIndex > 2 | ReadyState > 4 | Status > 200 | StatusText > OK
Request URL >
Final URL >
ResposeHeaders >Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2022 10:53:47 GMT
Server: Apache
Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000
Expires: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 10:53:47 GMT
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Length: 5677036
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=_2.png
Content-Type: image/png
Request URL >
测试过了日志中提到的 gallery,在我这里是正常的。
我猜这依然是之前提到的代理服务器连接不稳定导致的(如果你在中国大陆,可能在近期比较普遍),因为返回的 HTTP Header 确实来自 E-Hentai 的原始服务器,而且因为正常返回了文件,所以也不是 Cookie 未传递的问题,所以最有可能的原因是网络问题。
你可以尝试直接在图片浏览页的下方直接下载原始图片,来确定是不是这个原因。例如你上面的日志里的页面是 ,打开这个链接,点击页面下方的 "Download original 1433 x 2036 5.41 MB source" 来确定是否能正常下载。
如果你能手动下载这个页面,但是脚本依然无法正常工作,尝试更换其他用户脚本扩展程序,或者尝试使用其他浏览器。如果这些都无法解决问题,或许你该尝试其他方案,例如通过 torrent 下载;或者使用 E-Hentai 官方的 Archive Download,不过这需要花费一些 GP;或者使用其他的工具下载,例如 gallery-dl。
Check the gallery from the log, and it works fine for me.
I guess it's still because the proxy server connection isn't stable, since the response HTTP Header do match E-Hentai's original server, and Cookies is passed correctly so that it returns the file, so the most possible reason is the network issue.
You can try downloading an original image directly at the bottom of the image page. For example, the page you provided in the log is , open the link and click "Download original 1433 x 2036 5.41 MB source" to see if you can download it or not.
If it works but the script doesn't work, try using another userscript extension, or use another browser. If both of them are not working for you, maybe you should find other ways, like torrent, downloading from E-Hentai's Archive Download by paying GPs, or use some other tool like gallery-dl.
如通过“Download original”下载,任何图片都可以一次成功。脚本内提示"failed"的图片也都会在后续retry时成功下载,并不会一直失败。
经过实时监测网络流量和观察脚本进度条发现,failed的图片似乎都有从服务器下载,只是在下载条满后提示“failed (empty response)”。
查看了下代码,这是由于用户脚本扩展程序确实没有返回数据导致的,所以问题要么是网络错误引起的,要么是扩展程序自身的 bug,至少我在 ViolentMonkey 的 issue 中有疑似报告,不过错误信息不太清楚。
可以尝试更换其他的用户脚本扩展程序,如果你使用的是 Chrome 可以选择 Tampermonkey, Tampermonkey BETA, ViolentMonkey;如果使用的是 Firefox,除了上面几个以外还可以试试看 GreaseMonkey。
如果更换了用户脚本扩展程序依然存在问题,那么只有可能是网络问题或者是浏览器自己的问题了。建议使用诸如 gallery-dl 之类的工具下载
By replacing Violentmonkey with Tampermonkey, all back to normal, seems like the issue was caused by the script manager.
Needs to be updated. Getting a lot of "Failed!(Empty Response)" while fetching images - doesn't happen to all, just half of the gallery. This is a recent bug - used to work flawlessly.