Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 24.11.2016

Fix: tumblr.com

Please fix for tumblr so that http://best-of-tumblr.tumblr.com/image/153590034151 redirects to http://65.media.tumblr.com/336ad86458a7797871693023c48d3e35/tumblr_nknpmmMIRZ1sn75h6o1_1280.jpg .

I think the script is not working at all on that page, but even on the tumblr pages that the script works, it seems that it just removes the bar at the top, leaving only the image on the screen, instead of redirecting to the image URL which one gets upon right click > View Image. Sample link for this second issue: [NSFW] http://devinecurves.tumblr.com/image/153527818692 should redirect to http://66.media.tumblr.com/062d26b8642e4fe89c49c3c88805fc7f/tumblr_oh1r89ZktM1u4jyyvo1_1280.jpg, but instead the script just removes all unnecessary elements on the page.

Would be great if this can be fixed. Thanks!

Pridaný: 25.11.2016

Hello, that's the main idea of what the script does. There's also an option in config page to redirect to images instead.

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