Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Spätná väzba na Handy Image

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 27.01.2019

Can't Upddate

Hi, I'm from Turkey http://i.imgur.com is banned from my ISP so that I can't install updates. Could you change image hosting? Currently I can only install your addon using proxy.

Pridaný: 27.01.2019

what? the script isn't hosted on imgur.com ... it's hosted on greasyfork.org

Pridaný: 30.01.2019

But look at the code: // @icon http://i.imgur.com/Q5TTIjV.png Install always frozen, because 0 kb size png created in Handy_Image folder. No user from Turkey can install the script.

Pridaný: 31.01.2019

aren't most image hostings script works on banned in Turkey anyway?

would moving image to https://imgbox.com/ help you?

Pridaný: 01.02.2019

Yes moving image to https://imgbox.com will help. Only few image hostings banned in Turkey.

Pridaný: 01.02.2019


Pridaný: 02.02.2019

Solved. Thank you very much.

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