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Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)

Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet

< Spätná väzba na Manga Loader NSFW (unmaintained)


Pridaný: 17.09.2018
Upravený: 17.09.2018

I think nhentai IP bans when you use the all load manga function

At first I thought there was some error happened that I wasn't able to access nhentai while viewing hentai and then I did an IP reset, then I tried to view some hentai on nhentai and used the load manga function and after some loaded pages it stopped loading and I can't access nhentai again. I tested this multiple times w/ and w/o using the load manga function and it seems to point nhentai detects and IP bans that uses multiple image loads. Can you find a way to bypass this IP ban when you use load manga function?

Pridaný: 18.09.2018

Just want to confirm this. Getting 403 forbidden on both my IP and phone IP (wifi hotspot) now.

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