E-Hentai Highlighter

Highlighter for E-Hentai (e-hentai.org/exhentai.org). Supports regular expressions.

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Pridaný: 14.01.2015

Broken on FF 35

After the latest update for mainstream FF, visiting any page on g.e or ex caused a crash. I began testing userscripts and this was the only one that triggered it. After deleting and reinstalling, it still caused crashes.

Pridaný: 15.01.2015

I confirm this. Since Firefox 35, if the script is enabled and I go to exhentai, Firefox crashes.

etc 2Autor
Pridaný: 17.01.2015

It was Firefox being a buggy piece of crap like usual.
Try now, it should work.

Pridaný: 17.01.2015
It was Firefox being a buggy piece of crap like usual.
Try now, it should work.

Yes, it works now. Thank you.

Enjoy your botnet :-))))))))

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