4chan External Sounds

Plays audio associated with images on 4chan.

< Spätná väzba na 4chan External Sounds


Pridaný: 01.05.2020

Add features

Maybe a feature that shows how far audio has loaded might be useful, like a progress bar Also a plalist like what 4cs by dnsev had with a button to load all images A way to seek music from the board

Pridaný: 01.05.2020

Info to show how large the audio file that's loading is

Pridaný: 03.05.2020

I will not be turning this into a 4cs clone. It's meant to play sounds when you open images and that's about it, anything beyond that is not planned.

Pridaný: 04.05.2020

You should add something that controls volume, a lot of the images or playing at different sound levels and going from to the other is jarring the way it handles it right now

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