Rule34Hentai Improved

Fixes stuff, adds like/favorite/Mark-as-read under images, highlights animated, makes the site more compact, etc.

< Spätná väzba na Rule34Hentai Improved

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 26.12.2021

Looks like a recent site update may have broken various parts of this script unfortunately, but otherwise a very great redesign of the website and it's functions

Pridaný: 22.01.2022

Thanks for letting me know.
I haven't been around in a while, but I finally got around to fixing it. Most features should be fixed now. I will fix rest of them later. As of right now none of the features in the "Sidepanel" section of the settings page have been checked/fixed. Disable them or try your luck. All other features seem to be working now. (Only tested and fixed on Brave (Chromium based browser) for now, Firefox may have unexpected problems. Will test later.)

Pridaný: 22.01.2022

Okay should be more or less fully functional again.

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