E-H Visited

Upgrade to EhxVisited (sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/377945)

< Spätná väzba na E-H Visited

Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 20.03.2019
Upravený: 20.03.2019

import from E-H visited?

hi, thanks for the update, very quick! there's any way to import previous visited galeries from EXvisited?

Pridaný: 22.03.2019

You will see an "import" button on the page, right next to your visited gallery count. Paste your old export data in the popup.

That should work, let me know!

Pridaný: 23.03.2019
Upravený: 23.03.2019

thanks for your work, it's great

Now I'm only missing one feature from ehplus, highlighting cerain tags by changing background color like yours is doing, I used it for having green background for english tag

edit: forget it, new "my tags" feature is awesome

Pridaný: 24.03.2019

The tags page doesn't explain itself well, but seems to work great!

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