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Chaturbate Enhancer

Vylepšuje Chaturbate pridaním viacerých nových funkcií.

< Spätná väzba na Chaturbate Enhancer

Hodnotenie: OK - skript funguje, ale má chyby

Pridaný: 21.10.2023

In multicam mode, the script spontaneously reloads the page every few minutes!

Pridaný: 23.10.2023
Upravený: 23.10.2023

Unable to reproduce that. Could you share your setup (browser, userscript extension)? Does it happen since beginning or it started suddenly? Could be caused by some A/B tests done by CB.

Try to disable "Refresh thumbnails every" in CB settings.

Please consider supporting Chaturbate Enhancer development - see how at

Pridaný: 28.10.2023
Upravený: 28.10.2023

Latest version of Iron and Tampermonkey. It looks like this began after the penultimate update of the script.

Pridaný: 27.01.2024
Upravený: 27.01.2024

Could you please check if that still happen on latest version?

Pridaný: 15.02.2024

It seems that after the last update the problem disappeared

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