Exhentai Enhancer

improve UX of Gallery Page, Multi-Page Viewer and Front Page

< Spätná väzba na Exhentai Enhancer


Pridaný: 17.03.2023

Hi, thank you for the script, it help me speed up my download a lot :D
Wonder if you can enhance the "add to favorites" too so I can speed up my reading ^^

Pridaný: 19.03.2023
Upravený: 19.03.2023

Hello, I am glad that this script is useful to you.

I just made its behavior as same as the download popups, you can take a look at it (Version 1.9.0).

I rarely use the "Favorites" feature so please tell me if there are any issues.
It would be great if you report at https://github.com/sk2589822/Exhentai-Enhancer/issues

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