Add button on exhentai searchbox

Add your favorite keyword/tag on the searchbox

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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 01.12.2023
Upravený: 01.12.2023

For some reason my favorited tags just disappeared one day, and there's no way to back them up, smh

Pridaný: 28.02.2024

the tags are stored in local storage, you can backup the json in it.

Pridaný: 28.02.2024

You can press F12 and to to the Application tab.
In the second section (Storage), there is a table called 'Local storage', click on it.
There should be two row in it which are 'config' and 'search_tag_config'.
You can copy the value of these two rows to backup the tag setting.
Sorry for the late reply.

Pridaný: 13.03.2024
Upravený: 13.03.2024

Thanks good to know how I can back it up now. I thought you could transfer settings in forks just by syncing tampermonkey, but nope. This script is very convient when i couldn't bother typing if i want to rub a fast one. Anyway for working on it too, I'm gonna change review to "good" now.

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