HaremHeroes Automatic

Open the menu in HaremHeroes(topright) to toggle AutoControlls. Supports AutoSalary, AutoContest, AutoMission, AutoQuest, AutoTrollBattle, AutoArenaBattle and AutoPachinko(Free). Messages are printed in local console.

< Feedback on HaremHeroes Automatic

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2018-09-26

it failed on the Sep. 26th patch.

It was fine but suddenly failed on the latest game patch.

Posted: 2018-09-26

Yes, latest update totally broke script functionality...

Can we get an update, all functions are broken now

Posted: 2018-09-26

Same here...

All broken :(

But I hope, that with an update we might get functions for the Leagues :)

Posted: 2018-09-26

For the meantime, I downgraded to version 3.22.

Posted: 2018-09-27

So, even the downgrades aren't working currently, so it might be a problem with an in-game change. If they slightly changed how parts are coded, maybe?

Posted: 2018-09-27

@DS913 said: So, even the downgrades aren't working currently, so it might be a problem with an in-game change. If they slightly changed how parts are coded, maybe?

Downgrade would not help because it isn't a problem with the script. This is a change that the HaremHeroes/Nutaku developers made. They probably use a copy of the script themselves to make sure they can try to counteract what is in there.

Posted: 2018-09-27
Edited: 2018-09-27

@trophies schrieb: Downgrade would not help because it isn't a problem with the script. This is a change that the HaremHeroes/Nutaku developers made. They probably use a copy of the script themselves to make sure they can try to counteract what is in there.

I am not sure, if they use the script themself, because the Mission and Contests are still working. If they use a script, why not change those areas as well?

I think it has to do with the new League-Area and that they changed names of the buttons again or how they are handled... The script still knows, when Arena-fights or Boss-fights are available, so that hasn't changed as well...

I hope, that it is a simple fix...

Is Jaideep still online, so he might fix this?

Posted: 2018-09-27

Battle button click handler has some very interesting code:


so, it DOES register cheating somehow.

Posted: 2018-09-27

Yeah, it checks if any coordinates in click event are zero and considers the click to be cheated in.


is_cheat_click=function(e) { return false; };

before battle and autocollect clicks works for now

Posted: 2018-09-27

@"Stephan Messer" said:

@trophies schrieb: Downgrade would not help because it isn't a problem with the script. This is a change that the HaremHeroes/Nutaku developers made. They probably use a copy of the script themselves to make sure they can try to counteract what is in there.

I am not sure, if they use the script themself, because the Mission and Contests are still working. If they use a script, why not change those areas as well?

I think it has to do with the new League-Area and that they changed names of the buttons again or how they are handled... The script still knows, when Arena-fights or Boss-fights are available, so that hasn't changed as well...

I hope, that it is a simple fix...

Is Jaideep still online, so he might fix this?

Those clicks may get handled differently on how they are passed in. I haven't ever tried to debug them. The time they take to work on is a little annoying so I'll probably never test them out. But given the function introduced, it serves no other purpose than to distinguish between the user playing and the script playing. The changes to the league wouldn't warrant this because the league changes introduced don't vary enough from what the league was first added in as.

Posted: 2018-09-27
Edited: 2018-09-27

Only autoMission(50/50) and autoQuest work from the script

Posted: 2018-09-27

@"Dorten D" said: Yeah, it checks if any coordinates in click event are zero and considers the click to be cheated in.


is_cheat_click=function(e) { return false; };

before battle and autocollect clicks works for now

I have used it, and it works for the troll bosses, but not for salary collect or the arena battle. For autosalary, i added it here:

    else {
        console.log("Detected Harem Screen. Fetching Salary");
        $("#harem_whole #harem_left .salary:not('.loads') button").each(function (index) {
            is_cheat_click=function(e) {                     return false;                 };

Is there anything wrong in it?

Posted: 2018-09-28

@"Jota Be" , where does that line get put in to keep the auto Troll boss fights working properly? I only have a basic background in coding, so I can find general sections, but don't know specifics. My guess is line 626-627, right before "battleButton.click();"

Posted: 2018-09-28

@"Jota Be" said:

@"Dorten D" said: Yeah, it checks if any coordinates in click event are zero and considers the click to be cheated in.


is_cheat_click=function(e) { return false; };

before battle and autocollect clicks works for now

I have used it, and it works for the troll bosses, but not for salary collect or the arena battle. For autosalary, i added it here:

    else {
        console.log("Detected Harem Screen. Fetching Salary");
        $("#harem_whole #harem_left .salary:not('.loads') button").each(function (index) {
            is_cheat_click=function(e) {                     return false;                 };

Is there anything wrong in it?

I don't know if this was the intended use, but it's working for me:

// return busy return true; } else { console.log("Detected Harem Screen. Fetching Salary"); is_cheat_click=function(e) { return false; }; $("#harem_whole #harem_left .salary:not('.loads') button").each(function (index) { $(this).click(); }); console.log("Salary fetched. Getting next fetch time");

Posted: 2018-09-28

Can somebody help me

Posted: 2018-09-28

@DS913 said: @"Jota Be" , where does that line get put in to keep the auto Troll boss fights working properly? I only have a basic background in coding, so I can find general sections, but don't know specifics. My guess is line 626-627, right before "battleButton.click();" Yeah. I am in the same boat, so I basically slapped that line just before every line that contained the function click() :D

@Bull864 said:

I don't know if this was the intended use, but it's working for me:

// return busy return true; } else { console.log("Detected Harem Screen. Fetching Salary"); is_cheat_click=function(e) { return false; }; $("#harem_whole #harem_left .salary:not('.loads') button").each(function (index) { $(this).click(); }); console.log("Salary fetched. Getting next fetch time");

Works! Thanks!

Posted: 2018-09-28

Same here...

inserted the line everywhere before a click-line, and now the skript is working again...


I began to notice that Auto Mission can sometimes use Kobans to complete a mission, fix it?

Posted: 2018-09-28

someone so kind to pass me a code of this that works to the private message or around here? I have no money

Posted: 2018-09-28

can anyone send me a working version of the script? or put a link here? because I do not know which lines to change.

Posted: 2018-09-28

something wrong im doing, please somebody can upload the fixed code

Posted: 2018-09-28
Edited: 2018-09-28

ok it works thx Dorten D , Jota Be, Bull864

Posted: 2018-09-28

@Jaraya said: https://pastebin.com/raw/2X4uxjzt


Posted: 2018-09-28
Edited: 2018-09-28


Posted: 2018-09-28

Just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who worked together to get this working again! All for the sake of some 1's and 0's that color some pixels on our screens :tongue: :wink:

Posted: 2018-09-28

I put the code to me it does not work do I have to click on a special site? I do not know how it works, I'm not in Nutaku maybe is this? :neutral: S

Posted: 2018-09-28
Edited: 2018-09-28

I made a version that works forever no matter what they do. My issue is that the website developers know about the scripts getting uploaded to OpenUser and now to here. I don't want the website to know how I did it or they'll just change it again. I think the best way forward is to obfuscate what we upload here but I don't know if that is against OpenUser standards and against Greasy standards.

I made auto Leagues, auto Book/Gift/Gear shopping, auto Stats upgrade, auto Affection/Experience too, but once they see my code, they can easily figure out a way to block it :(

Posted: 2018-09-29

@sharing dijo: I put the code to me it does not work do I have to click on a special site? I do not know how it works, I'm not in Nutaku maybe is this? :neutral: S

my problem was that I could not open the scrip menu what I did was reduce the size of the window to 90% of the base value and now it seems that it works. :)

Posted: 2018-09-29

i tried your new script but i still have this problem with autosalary and autoarena, otherwise other spots work

Posted: 2018-09-29

Mine's still broke since their patch. Even with the few fixes that've been posted I got no menu and it keeps me locked on the quest worlds page

Posted: 2018-09-29

@SkillMat_88200 I'm a Chromebook user and AutoArena wasn't working for me either, but everything else was. Try changing line 830 to the following:

if( ( Cookies.get("nextArenaTime") === undefined ) || ( Cookies.get("nextArenaTime") === "undefined" ) )

That's working for me.

You could try something similar for AutoSalary, too.

Posted: 2018-09-30

@"Ally Except" said: @SkillMat_88200 I'm a Chromebook user and AutoArena wasn't working for me either, but everything else was. Try changing line 830 to the following:

if( ( Cookies.get("nextArenaTime") === undefined ) || ( Cookies.get("nextArenaTime") === "undefined" ) )

That's working for me.

You could try something similar for AutoSalary, too.

or just use ==

The == operator will compare for equality after doing any necessary type conversions. The === operator will not do the conversion, so if two values are not the same type === will simply return false.

Posted: 2018-10-02

I am using the Pastbin link that was posted and everything seems to work except the Auto salary which was the main draw for me, anyone else having this issue or are there any fixes/updates?

@rcurtin9 said: I am using the Pastbin link that was posted and everything seems to work except the Auto salary which was the main draw for me, anyone else having this issue or are there any fixes/updates?

Use this. It works for me https://pastebin.com/DrNZBigY

Posted: 2018-10-14

@"Daily Entertainment Uploads (DEU)" said:

@rcurtin9 said: I am using the Pastbin link that was posted and everything seems to work except the Auto salary which was the main draw for me, anyone else having this issue or are there any fixes/updates?

Use this. It works for me https://pastebin.com/DrNZBigY

It doesnt work for me. Like every other "fix" thats been posted, it still does not have a UI to activate any script functions and unless I chop out the first few lines it sits in the quests world page and will not let me leave.

Look all I want is auto salary. Quest, troll battles, pachinko, activities, now leagues... it all can wait to be done manually

Posted: 2018-10-14

@JD Cursed, when you ask about a UI to activate, do you know about the switches when you click the Hentai (Harem) Heroes menu button? (circle with three horizontal bars at top right of page). Here's a screenshot, if you don't know what I'm talking about (I didn't find this right away either, so you're not alone if you didn't know about it):


Also, I've noticed that if I have another page open that uses javascript, that the automatic scripts stop working unless I switch to the Hentai Heroes tab / window. If it's not the active page, then the script doesn't work (I'm using a Chromebook, so I'm not sure if that's true with all platforms and browsers.) So, try keeping HentaiHeroes.com as your active page to see if the script runs then.

If none of that works, then I'm guessing you have the "approved" helper script, Harem Heroes++ installed?


I've wondered if it's so common that automatic scripts rely on changes that it makes without realizing it. So, if you don't have that installed, then try that?

Posted: 2018-10-14

Switches do not appear. No other pages open. 1121 script is installed and activated although within the last few days something screwed up the fonts in the ? bubbles and its almost unreadable.

Posted: 2018-10-15

@JD Cursed, it sounds like it's not the script's fault that things aren't working for you. Try resetting your browser, and removing what you can from the browser (old extensions, extensions you don't need, etc.). If that doesn't work, you can install a new browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, anything that supports TamperMonkey). It sounds like you need to get your browser cleaned up before scripts will work for you properly.

Posted: 2018-10-23

Any fixes for the autoarena part?

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