Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

< Feedback on Handy Image

Değerlendirme: İyi - script çalışıyor

Gönderildi: 04.10.2022

Hi, feedback on two issues:

Software error:
Can't exec:
Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'adb' at row 1 at Modules/DataBase.pm line 55.
  • This site can't get rid of the ads http(s)://3xplanet.com(net)/

For these two sites, if I only use the following script, I can skip the ads and jump to the image page.

AdsBypasser https://adsbypasser.github.io/

Gönderildi: 04.10.2022
Düzenlendi: 04.10.2022

Link posted works fine for me , maybe cuz I don't ave adsbypasser, - try uninstalling it and see maybe it helps

also adsbypasser has lite version which doesn't include touching images - so it should work together

Gönderildi: 04.10.2022
Düzenlendi: 04.10.2022

Link posted works fine for me , maybe cuz I don't ave adsbypasser, - try uninstalling it and see maybe it helps

also adsbypasser has lite version which doesn't include touching images - so it should work together

Hmm, strange, after restarting the computer, the first one can jump to the picture page.

But 3xplanet.com cannot jump to the picture page, this page is opened after click. https://3xplanet.com/viewimage/******.html

This is the picture page jumped to by adsbypasser. https://3xplanetimg.com/images/*****.jpg

Can Handy Image jump directly to the 3xplanetimg.com/images page?

Gönderildi: 04.10.2022

Can Handy Image jump directly to the 3xplanetimg.com/images page?

Only if the website was specifically added to this script, and for that - someone has to come here and provide and image url example for that and ask for a website support to be added\fixed into the script

new version of today added that website, you can try updating

Gönderildi: 04.10.2022
Düzenlendi: 04.10.2022
new version of today added that website, you can try updating

Thank you vert much, it works 😍

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