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< Feedback on Chaturbate Enhancer
The Thumbnails Stopped Animating! Oh my God! I need help! please! I'm Scared! No! No! Noooooo!
The Thumbnails Stopped Animating!
This is fixed in v5.0.15. Please update.
Please support Chaturbate Enhancer development - see how at
Is there no interest in such a feature? In the few Chromium network logs of cases when auto-reload fails to load playlist.m3u8 and falls back to the JPEG Player, I see a few possibilities for how to do this, but I'm not a developer and I'm really not good at Javascript so I'm sure you guys would do this better.
Here's a dumb idea of mine how this could be done...
playlist.m3u8 may fail to load for different reasons (I have logged 403 Forbidden status codes, or sometimes timeouts due to bad network connection, etc.). When playlist.m3u8 fails to load initially, it retries maybe 2-3 times before ultimately falling back to the JPEG Player option. Once the JPEG Player starts, .jpeg files for the "video" download rapidly from URLs like this, but with all random different numbers on the end:[broadcaster_name]&f=0.[random unique numbers]
So maybe an auto-reload could be triggered upon receiving, say, 10 URLs of this format in a short period of time? I suggest a number like 10 because in a successful auto-reload on an API call that returns online_status does NOT equal offline that loads the full video player, there are always 2 calls to the "" URLs that return 204 No Content status codes. And these 2 calls occur prior to playlist.m3u8 being called, so picking a number higher than 2 would prevent premature reloading.
There probably is a more elegant, better performing way to do this (or maybe my idea just doesn't work at all for JS or tech reasons beyond me), but that's my best guess how to do it.
The goal of such a feature would be to auto-reload the CB broadcaster page anytime CB falls back to JPEG Player, which has happened very often to me using all script versions above v4.0.4 for some reason I don't know. Also, if the regular video streaming player fails during an ongoing stream, then a feature like this would also be helpful to auto-reload the page without manual intervention (ie. on a coffee break, recording, and you return and see you've recorded 10 minutes of JPEG Player!).
Is this feature possible? Is anybody else interested? And a BIG thank you to you, devs, for making this script as great as it is!
Hi! We will look into that.
Please support Chaturbate Enhancer development - see how at
Thank you for looking into implementing this feature idea. I'm checking everyday for script updates to see what you come up with!
I have another feature idea for your script, unrelated to auto-reload on downgrade to JPEG Player / failure to load playlist.m3u8. I'm not sure if I should write this here or open a new review thread, so sorry if this isn't the right location.
Auto-reload on password room dropping password.
The default CB behavior when the viewer is on a broadcaster's profile/chatroom page when the broadcaster sets a room password is the chatroom or profile page auto-reloads itself immediately, of course. But, when that broadcaster cancels password protection of his/her room, CB does NOT auto-reload the password input page, which means the viewer has to manually reload the password room login / password input page.
My idea is for Chaturbate Enhancer to query CB APIs when a broadcaster has a password set to watch for when the password is removed and then auto-reload the page, like the current auto-reload features does.
This feature would be useful because many broadcasters set a room password temporarily for extra-private shows, chatroom experimentation, etc., and currently the only way for a viewer outside the password room to know when the password has been removed is to manually reload the page, which can lead to missing a stream!
I'm guessing a feature like this would be pretty easy to implement in your script, and it would work very nicely with all the other features this awesome script already has!
A further BIG upgrade/addition to such a feature comes to mind, if you REALLY want to show off your scripting skills! And I have no idea how to do this, so I'll leave it totally up to you and keep this brief...
Upon a currently streaming broadcaster setting a room password, either:
a) CB auto-reloads to broadcaster login or password input page, and Chaturbate Enhancer displays the last "snapshot" of the chatroom the moment before it gets reloaded somewhere in the empty space to the right side of the room password input field on the "[broadcaster-username]/" or "[broadcaster-username]/".
b) Somehow prevent CB from auto-reloading the broadcaster profile page or chatroom, and instead display a notice (maybe under the video player or on top of the video player) that "ROOM PASSWORD HAS BEEN SET, INPUT PASSWORD HERE: [password field]".
The benefit is to NOT lose a whole chatroom or profile page to CB auto-reloading the instant a broadcaster sets a room password. The "snapshot" of the chatroom would obviously NOT be a live chatroom anymore, but would allow the viewer to see any chat and tipping that lead up to the broadcaster setting the password. And I suppose "crazy idea 'b'" is my dream feature of the two.
But again, I have NO CLUE how you might go about implementing this feature, so I'll leave this for your consideration.
What do you think about these new feature ideas, simple auto-reload idea and POSSIBLY my crazier idea? Thanks for your consideration!
And would you provide a receive address for donations in Monero (XMR)?
Hi! We will look into that.
Please support Chaturbate Enhancer development - see how at
Has there been any progress on this feature? Auto-reload full video player upon JPEG Player downgrade? It has been a few months, so I wanted to check in.
And would you provide a receive address for donations in Monero (XMR)?
Sorry for long response time. We just have released new update. Please update. XMR address: 42hAH4uFZ39RwM7XQBrGQpgnYqmFJkXAWV4uvsuXA2yz8Q1durW8475HdMoLe9LczQ8PKgDAj3UgxdFzqT78k5jo817DAyU
Very good script, but my favorite feature hasn't been working. The page reload when broadcaster comes online feature has been very unreliable since v4.0.4. I'm using a Chromium browser on a Linux system, script loaded using Violentmonkey. And this applies to Split Mode, NOT Theater, Interactive Fullscreen, or Multicam mode (I have not tested in anything but Split Mode). I've tested this script from v4.0.4 thru v5.0.14, and all versions after v4.0.4 typically fail to load the video player correctly on auto-reloading when online_status returns not offline. The whole profile page refreshes and loads up chat, but the video player FAILS to load correctly probably 75% of the time for me, instead loading the downgraded 1 fps video feed, which requires me to manually refresh the page. v5.0.14 has failed in this way in maybe 8 of 10 cases. In v4.0.4 (I started using your script on this version and I have not tried any earlier versions), the auto-reload when broadcaster comes online works almost always! In about 25 total auto-reloads, v4.0.4 has only failed to load video player correctly in 1-2 cases. I've been using the old v4.0.4 version for the last month or so.
And possible FEATURE REQUEST? Auto-reload page if the video player fails to load correcty and the 1 fps player starts instead?