XHamster Improved

Infinite scroll. Filter by duration, include/exclude phrases. Automatically expand more videos on video page

< Feedback on XHamster Improved

Değerlendirme: İdare eder - script çalışıyor ama hataları var

Gönderildi: 02.12.2024
Düzenlendi: 02.12.2024

Perfect coding and results!
Work well with my (userstyles):
Xhamster Widescreen - New Design

You Auto Scrolling is better than i have with :
Gm "Super_preloaderPlus_one_New" by machsix.

Can you add some others option:
1 - Delete the Adds in Video player

2 - Auto video replay options to it?

I am not coder, but I trying to do it with my:
Xhamster - AUTO Video Infinite LOOP (IA) v.9

But using it with Ublock Origin seems problematic (break the auto replay).

Gönderildi: 02.12.2024
Düzenlendi: 02.12.2024

I use ublock myself and not going to do any ad-removal stuff, it's windmills fighting unless you are an anti-ad community.

Your code for auto-replay doesn't work not because of ublock, it's just wrong in many ways, but basically, you need to wait for website to create 'video' element, here's fixed code: https://gist.github.com/smartacephale/2884835c5034f39da7be3fc8511ecef3

Gönderildi: 03.12.2024

Yes, 'basically' it is certain that i am not a coder
But, i hope i can try to understand more.
i hope.

Anyway, thanks for your fix (Human are better than IA!) :
seems work very well.

I update "my" userscript with your credit.

TEST (in Chrome) in conjonction with my userstyle:
Xhamster Widescreen - New Design

- For my own favorites pages (for favs from others users: no problem):
Another test with your script show a problem for loading my own (HUGE) favorites pages.

With your Infinite Scroll enable, the page hang for huge paginated collection.
And after loading one of these large coll, it take a long time to go to an other collection.
Sometime stay on the previous coll.

It seems due too to my userstyle (with Stylus):
when i disable it, your script seems working well).

But i don't understand why just CSS slowdown the loading process at this point.

Have you too another idea?

I see too a difference of performance between Firefox vs Chrome

Gönderildi: 03.12.2024

With Firefox Quantum:
If it is a paginated collection (no problem for no paginated collection),
the .user-page.favorites-page .favorites-list.video-single-favorites-list #favorites-video-list .thumb-list.thumb-list--sidebar
became empty.

Gönderildi: 04.12.2024

I cannot reproduce your problem and your userstyle is just hurting eyes, idk, if you have problems, try checking console for en errors and make sure that errors source would be the script of yours or mine (it's written at top of every message).

And huge pages with millions of videos obviously hurt performance, there's no magic.

Gönderildi: 04.12.2024

I checked that later.

Just about "your userstyle is just hurting eyes":
Have you enable the dark scheme of Xhamster?
My userstyle need it...

Gönderildi: 05.12.2024

yes I do, maybe it doesn't work properly

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