Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

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سوئال / ئىنكاس

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2015-11-25
تەھرىرلەنگەن ۋاقتى: 2015-11-26

Add: ftop.ru

For some nice desktop backgrounds

// @match http://ftop.ru/*/*

case 'ftop.ru':
i = ev('//span[@class="photo"]/img');

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2015-11-28


يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2016-01-15
تەھرىرلەنگەن ۋاقتى: 2016-01-17

Thanks, but the code you added shows thumbnails instead. The patch above with "ev" was for Show Just Image 3 I think. Anyway, below is the working code for full resolution images.

// @match http://ftop.ru/*/* and then further down... case 'ftop.ru': i = q('span.photo > img'); break;

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2016-01-30

worked fine for me, but changed code to more precise one, should work for you too now.

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