E-Hentai Automated Downloads

Automates downloads through the Doggie Bag Archiver

< Feedback on E-Hentai Automated Downloads

سوئال / ئىنكاس

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2019-03-24

Suggestion: Open link in new tab.

The current script cannot open link at the same time.

   a.target = '_blank';

To solve it, just add this code after line 316.

etc 2ئاپتور
يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2019-03-24

I'm not too keen on opening links in a separate tab since the tab flickering into view and then immediately closing itself can get pretty annoying pretty fast, but I've added a primitive queuing system (which forces downloads to always start at least half a second apart from each other) that should solve your issue (though I've never encountered it)

يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2019-03-26
تەھرىرلەنگەن ۋاقتى: 2019-03-26

Uhm, thank you for the update, but I think it did not work. Check this screen capture: https://gfycat.com/unnaturaldimwittedintermediateegret

I opened 2 torrent links at the same time, but only 1 .torrent file was downloaded. Script version is 2.1.5.

Another problem is, if one of the opened links got a 502 or 404 error from the server, that would be very bad if the link is opened on current tab.

etc 2ئاپتور
يوللانغان ۋاقتى: 2019-03-26

Judging from your video the queue seems to be working, but for some reason your browser is still refusing to comply with the download request. I tested it locally and I still can't reproduce it (even after forcing three separate downloads to start at the exact same time). Anyway, I've added a thing on top of the queue (I'm keeping it since I like it) that should open the download links in a separate, non-focused tab if your script manager (GreaseMonkey, TamperMonkey, etc.) supports it (I still don't want to use tabs that steal the focus).

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