xvideos推送下载 JS - 1)自动播放 2)自动宽屏 3)高画质播放 4)点击推送下片 5)下载缩略图
ViewOnYPMemoryHole JS - An add-on for ViewOnYP that adds support for Memory Hole.
Kira's Add-To-Favorites Hotkey For Rule34.xxx JS - Press R to Add to favorites int Rule34.xxx
Modified Booru Downloader + Viewer (Fixed for rule34.xxx as of February 2022) JS - The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for more than 20 booru imageboards
H-Flash Downloader JS - Create swf download link on the info bar
JavDB Toolbox(Revise) JS - JavDB 工具箱:1. 添加搜索在线观看资源按钮 2. 添加到 JavLibrary 等站点跳转按钮 3. 过滤肛交标签中的M男和扶她(未来会添加自定义);4. 增加免梯子访问JavLibrary;推荐结合 `JavDB 添加跳转在线观看` 食用。此脚本为naughtyEvenstar创作,版权属原作者所有,感谢其作品。本人只是增加了免梯子网址访问JavLibrary自用,如有兴趣者可自行下载。
Jav小司机(修改) JS - Jav小司机。简单轻量速度快!感谢wddd,此脚本为wddd创作,版权属原作者所有,我只是修改了一些不能用的网址和加了免梯子网址自用,如有兴趣者可自行下载。
JableBlock JS - This script removes unfriendly comments on jable.tv. 移除 jable.tv 不友善的留言及關鍵字。
115艾薇预览+ JS - 115艾薇预览个人使用的修改版本,115登录后自动跳转到文件界面、文件界面放大、自动获取艾薇封面+标题
麻豆 JS - 免费观看电影,手机电脑均可使用,觉得不错的话,给个好评呦😜
图集岛VIP中P(改) JS - VIP破解 + 单张下载 + 一键下载(批量单张下载)+ 打包下载 + Viwer预览(可以使用FancyBox但是不让发布不会js引用) + 简易收藏功能
绅士会所解锁老绅士 JS - 找不到上车地址?直接安装一键上车!
Cunt Empire Cheat JS - Enables the cheat menu - open it by pressing "c"
Menu - [ X ] JS - Add custome menu extender video list from video/image in new tab/page.
Viewer on Rule34Paheal JS - Add a modal viewer to the main page. With infinity scroll.
NovelAI提取prompt以及config工具 JS - 提取拼接prompt,提取novelAI配置
98浏览助手多图版 JS - 为堂内帖子列表增加多图预览支持。下面链接分别是org和net域名下的常用论坛版块地址,也可自行添加修改版块地址或域名。如果某个版块显示有问题,请在下方@exclude处填写要排除的版块链接。
Sankaku Channel Access Rights JS - Access blocked images on Sankaku Channel (does not support thumbnails)
missav disable pop window JS - hello world
Enable DLsite work name to be selected JS - Enable DLsite work name to be selected.
封印解除 JS - 灵梦封印自动解除
South Plus 视频链接播放器 JS - 自动播放视频链接
亚洲审美车(极品比较多) JS - 破解网站时长限制,需要自己注册登录
Video / Gif downloader from the new design of redgifs.com (v3) JS - Gather all information about video / gif and create a download button in the sidebar of videos / gif
Kemono/Coomer-VideoPlayer JS - A simple tampermonkey script allows you can watch the videos of post links in Kemono or Coomer.
HV 彩虹小马 (My Little Pony) JS - 验证码助手 (Hentaiverse verification helper)
Better Kemono Galleries JS - Load original resolution, toggle fitted zoom views, remove photos. Use a plug-in for batch download, can't do cross-origin image downloads with JS alone.
Bunkr Filter JS - Filter bunker images and videos by size and type
8Muses Downloader JS - Download comics from 8muses.com
nlegs.com 聚圖&下載 JS - 如題,由於此站人機驗證出現頻繁,一部寫真可能需要分1~3次才能全部載入大圖。
新快猫破解【pc版】 JS - 使新快猫可以播放付费视频
RJ_preview_and_asmr_one_redirect JS - Make RJ code great again!
Soulgen AI Blur Remover JS - Remove blur paywall for images in Soulgen AI
91新页面观看 JS - 91新页面观看,告别烦人的广告
Reddit Embed Redgifs Video JS - embed iframe redgifs in posts for reddit
N 網漫畫下載工具 JS - 下載 nhentai 漫畫
rule34 fav JS - fav rule34 post by hotkey 'F' or numpad enter
Kemono助手 JS - 提供更好的Kemono使用体验
Recurbate Confirm 18 Autoclicker JS - Autoclicks the 18 plus pop up when you first visit the site.
jav备注 JS - jav备注,为番号页面女优和个人主页名字后添加年龄、身高、胸型、是否引退等备注
Enable downloads on Motherless.com JS - Enables the download button on Motherless.com
FilterLife - Fetlife Member Filter JS - Filter member lists on FL to your liking
MissavNoPause JS - Missav切换页面或者失去焦点都会自动暂停,此插件就是阻止视频自动暂停,不影响空格或者单击导致的暂停。注意:使用manifestV3实现后,可能每次需要手动授权才会运行,首次使用,如果需要授权,请选择总是允许(chrome不需要,firefox需要),这样下次打开页面就会自动运行了。当游猴不能运行远程脚本时,可以直接安装插件,源代码及更多详情见:https://github.com/ChangShaJackMa/MissavNoPause。
Adblock4limbo.[greasyfork] JS - 毒奶去网页广告计划用户脚本 For Quantumult X & Surge & Shadowrocket & Loon & Stash & 油猴 ;1.新增页面右下角导航;2.通过 JavaScript 移除特定网站网页广告 —— 搜索引擎(Bing/Google)广告及内容农场结果清除/低端影视/欧乐影院/iyf爱壹帆/哔滴影视/Pornhub/Javbus/Supjav/Jable/MissAv/91porn/hitomi/紳士漫畫/禁漫天堂/等视频&ACG&小说&漫画网站上的弹窗广告&视频广告&Gif图片广告等,保持网页清爽干净无打扰! P.S. 欢迎提交issue
Hentai Heroes++ BDSM version JS - Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game. Also supports HHCore-based games such as GH and CxH.
Go to kemono.su JS - Go to the corresponding kemono.su page from an artist's page. Supports Patreon, Pixiv, Fanbox and Fantia
Add Fanhao In AVstudio List Page JS - JAV片商官网列表页添加番号(搭配脚本'根据番号搜索',不用进入详情页,就能在列表页查看此车牌是否已入库(emby/115)\预览片花\一键跳转在线观看等花样操作.)
IMPROVED EROME - experimental Ed. JS - Show more content per page, Bypass disclaimer, save what videos you watched, block unwanted content (per user OR album)
JavBus论坛移动端界面适配 JS - 使司机社(JavBus)的论坛适应移动端界面
booru图站汉化插件 JS - 汉化danbooru/yande/gelbooru/chan.sankakucomplex 四个图站中的标签 (konachan尚未完成)
Chaturbate Advanced Filters JS - Adds more features to the chaturbate website filters such as age and keyword searching filtering. Look for these features under the normal options gear.
98图片预览助手 JS - 浏览帖子列表时自动加载内部前三张(可配置)图片供预览。如需支持其他免翻地址,请使用@match自行添加连接,如果某个版块不希望预览,请使用@exclude自行添加要排除的版块链接
GetSome"m3u8" JS - 获取网页中的m3u8资源
草榴下载文学区小说 JS - 可以下载草榴文学区小说
Javlib Emby Highlighter and Redirector JS - 在javlib高亮emby存在的视频,并在详情页提供一键跳转功能
Xvideos video direct download JS - Download videos from xvideos adult site directly without registration
推特敏感词过滤(告别黄推) JS - 上班看twitter时,最怕突然出现的黄推被同事或者老板发现,自动去黄,告别尴尬,当然在没人的时候,你可以把黄推给显示出来[laught]
delete anti-adblock sankaku complex JS - fuck you sankaku, fuck you WinterXIX
Nozomi infinite scroll JS - Adds support for infinite scrolling on Nozomi.la
解除国区steam创意工坊物品展示图的模糊处理 JS - 此脚本只作用于网页steam创意工坊;对于steam客户端的创意工坊中被模糊处理过的图片,可以将图片长按并且外拖一下,就能看到通透的原图。
sis001 upload multiple file JS - upload multiple files
TOKYOMotionサムネ改善 JS - tokyomotion.netのサムネをホバーで早送り巻き戻しできるようにする。
Bunkrr DL Button JS - Add a download button below each thumbnails
海角社区脚本 JS - 海角社区视频解析
Greasefork auto redirect Sleazyfork discussions JS - Redirect to Sleazyfork when discussions is adult.
m网站跳转移除 JS - missav网站跳转移除
Recurbate download JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
JAV老司机,JAV各大网站优化【18岁以下用户请勿安装】 JS - JAV老司机神器,支持各Jav老司机站点。拥有高效浏览Jav的页面排版,JAV高清预览大图,JAV列表无限滚动自动加载,合成“挊”的自动获取JAV磁链接,一键自动115离线下载。。。。没时间解释了,快上车!
t66y助手 JS - 优化t66y网页使用体验
Erome Video Download JS - Shows Erome.com Video Download Links
RedGifs Downloader JS - Creates a sidebar button to download the currently playing gif in the currently selected quality.
Enable Overflow Scroll on Luscious JS - Enables scrolling when using an adblock.
一键打开 Javlibrary 当前页面所有视频的详情页 JS - 一键打开 Javlibrary 当前页面所有视频的详情页(带自定义间隔时间)
Hitomi.la cover animation JS - Replace jQuery animation with CSS transition on Hitomi.la hover reveal effect for preview images to fix stutter or delay.
JAV老司机(磁链排序优化版) JS - 因原作者脚本很长一段时间没有更新,目前也暂时尚未与原作者取得联系,故临时将增加了一个按磁链资源大小排序的版本发布上来,有任何疑问欢迎联系
Manga Loader NSFW + Download JS - This is an unoficial fork of https://greasyfork.org/fr/scripts/12657-manga-loader-nsfw all credits goes to the original author, This script add a button to download the chapter
Danbooru Tags Select to Sort and Export JS - Select specified tags and copy to clipboard, for Stable Diffusion WebUI or NovelAI to use. Tags can be sorted by tag order in NovelAI method.
F95-Zone skipper JS - This userscript skips masked f95 links for you.
Gelbooru Thumbnail Enlarger JS - Larger thumbnails for easier viewing.
98tang一键推送下载到115与115cookie登录 JS - 根据98tang特定元素插入按钮并一键推送下载到115与115cookie登录,支持bot与web下载
4chan Tomorrow Selector JS - Auto-selects Tomorrow stylesheet on 4chan, for use with private browsing
【etai2019】明里小秘书 JS - 评论区、优优收藏馆、紬宝图片馆。侧边展示、简洁排版和无限翻页
【Mod】PHDownloader JS - Pornhub 视频一键下载 | pornhub.com 【Mod】1、调整样式减少版面占用,2、增加对手机网页的支持
Magnet-Peek 磁力预览 JS - 使用 whatslink.info 预览磁力内容
Redgifs full height video JS - use css to set full height video
中文版nhentai JS - 翻译nhentai的标签和界面为中文
Pornhub移动端体验提升 JS - Pornhub移动端使用体验提升,优化了视频播放页交互
Recurbate download JS - Adds a download button for each video on recurbate.com/cc
Reddit NSFW Filter JS - A userscript to show only NSFW entries on the Reddit search page
草飞pixiv浏览记录会员限制 JS - 狠狠破解pixiv让你可以使用一些会员的功能
F95Zone Search Buttons for DLsite JS - Adds buttons to search for the current game, circle, and product ID on F95Zone and its forums from DLsite. Also autofills and submits the search form on the F95Zone forums search page by clicking the search button. Adds buttons to search OtomiGames using the game title and product ID.
Better HentaiPaw JS - Fullscreen image viewer for HentaiPaw
JAVlibrary磁力搜索 JS - JAVlibrary磁力搜索,搜索引擎为btdigg与16magnet
MissAv批量备份收藏视频 JS - 从当前missav页面获取图片文件和视频信息,并合并结果后提供下载生成的网页文件
IAFD JS - Add extra utilities to iafd.com
CoomerBtn JS - Adds a small button next to username handles on Onlyfans and Fansly that points to that users profile at Coomer.su
移除Gelbooru-Pools里的缩略图模糊效果 JS - 移除Gelbooru pools 中缩略图的模糊效果。
SexInSex自动点击支持楼主 JS - 自动点击SexInSex的支持楼主按钮
XVideos Alabama JS - Sweet home Alabama + Loads HD and well rated videos
سىز يازغان قوليازمىنى ئېلان قىلىش (ياكى قانداق يېزىشنى ئۆگىنىش)