Steam Search Button for F95Zone (Deprecated) JS - Add a button to search Google using the title of the game on F95Zone, to see if it has been released on Steam
Danbooru to Gelbooru Search Switcher and vice versa JS - Add buttons to switch between Danbooru and Gelbooru searches
Copy URL Button JS - Adds a button to copy the URL of the current page
Twitter Image to SauceNAO JS - Adds a button to convert Twitter image URLs to SauceNAO search URLs. Instantly searches for single image tweets, and shows a dropdown for multiple images.
F95Zone Search Buttons for DLsite JS - Adds buttons to search for the current game, circle, and product ID on F95Zone and its forums from DLsite. Also autofills and submits the search form on the F95Zone forums search page by clicking the search button. Adds buttons to search OtomiGames using the game title and product ID.
F95Zone Developer and Game Search on Steam and RyuuGames JS - Adds buttons to search for the developer on f95zone and the game title on Steam and RyuuGames
KaguraGames to F95Zone and Steam Search Buttons JS - Add buttons to search game title from KaguraGames on F95Zone and Steam
RyuuGames F95Zone Search Button JS - Adds a button to search the game title on F95Zone from RyuuGames
Search Fakku Doujin with Schale Network Mirrors JS - Extracts title and searches on Schale Network mirrors (NiyaNiya, Seia, Shupogaki, Hoshino). Marks Koharu and Seia as inactive in red color.