Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters and works for a variety of sites, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet
Remove hitomi.la, blocked by Google Safe Browsing, breaks tampermonkey
The @match *://hitomi.la/reader/* rule breaks Tampermonkey's dashboard, the site has been blacklisted by Google Safebrowsing and when Tampermonkey tries to load the favicon to display in the dashboard, it triggers safebrowsing, replacing the dashboard with the red page of death.
Remove hitomi.la, blocked by Google Safe Browsing, breaks tampermonkey
@match *://hitomi.la/reader/*
rule breaks Tampermonkey's dashboard, the site has been blacklisted by Google Safebrowsing and when Tampermonkey tries to load the favicon to display in the dashboard, it triggers safebrowsing, replacing the dashboard with the red page of death.Bug report in Tampermonkey's forum https://forum.tampermonkey.net/viewtopic.php?p=6180