nHentai Helper

Download nHentai manga as compression file easily, and add some useful features. Also support some mirror sites.

< Відгуки до nHentai Helper

Відгук: Добре - скрипт працює добре

Опубліковано: 25.05.2022

I have a a question:

- How to automatically pad each filenames?

for example: in a folder with 10 files inside, I'd like to have 01, 02, 03, 04,..., 10 as filenames
in a folder with 100 files inside, I'd like to have 001, 002, 003, 004,...,098, 099, 100 as filenames
automatically detect filename with longest name (filename length) and automatically pad filename with zeros, it will not work for folder with less than 10 files though

Thank You

Опубліковано: 25.05.2022

Currently there is an option "Filename length", but it is a fixed length.

Auto length feature can be added in next version.

Опубліковано: 02.06.2022

I have one more request, can you show the page count right beside the download button?

so I will know how many pages are on each manga without open them one by one

Опубліковано: 02.06.2022
Edited: 02.06.2022

It is impossible. NHentai did not provide page count on manga list page.

Опубліковано: 05.06.2022

Auto pad filenames feature is available now. Just set option "Filename length" to "auto".

Опубліковано: 25.06.2022

I updated the script to the newest version, but I don't know what happened, I can't save the downloaded manga, the green progress bar never showed up, then I restarted my Firefox, and the download button disappeared as well

I already reinstall Tampermonkey, cleared cache, and still doesn't work

Any solution?

Опубліковано: 25.06.2022

Could you see if there are any errors in console?

Опубліковано: 25.06.2022

@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://code.bdstatic.com/npm/[email protected]/dist/jquery.min.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:2:9
@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://code.bdstatic.com/npm/[email protected]/dist/FileSaver.min.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:4:9
@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://code.bdstatic.com/npm/[email protected]/jquery.pjax.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:6:9
@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://code.bdstatic.com/npm/[email protected]/dist/vue.min.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:8:9
@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://code.bdstatic.com/npm/[email protected]/lib/noty.min.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:10:9
@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://code.bdstatic.com/npm/[email protected]/dist/md5.min.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:12:9
@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://code.bdstatic.com/npm/[email protected]/dist/umd/comlink.min.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:14:9
@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://code.bdstatic.com/npm/[email protected]/dist/localforage.min.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:16:9
@resource: can't load @resource 'notycss' from URL 'https://code.bdstatic.com/npm/[email protected]/lib/noty.css': timed out eval:16:324

Is it like this?

Опубліковано: 25.06.2022

Yes, It seems that you can't access the CDN code.bdstatic.com.

Can you access this URL? https://lf3-cdn-tos.bytecdntp.com/cdn/expire-1-y/noty/3.1.4/noty.min.js

Опубліковано: 25.06.2022

I can

Опубліковано: 25.06.2022

Should be fixed now

Опубліковано: 25.06.2022

@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://lib.baomitu.com/FileSaver.js/2.0.5/FileSaver.min.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:5:9
@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://lib.baomitu.com/jquery.pjax/2.0.1/jquery.pjax.min.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:7:9
@require: couldn't load @require from URL 'https://lf26-cdn-tos.bytecdntp.com/cdn/expire-1-y/vue/2.6.14/vue.min.js': unknown error nHentai Helper.user.js:9:9
@resource: can't load @resource 'notycss' from URL 'https://lf26-cdn-tos.bytecdntp.com/cdn/expire-1-y/noty/3.1.4/noty.css': unknown error eval:16:324
Source map error: Error: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
Resource URL: moz-extension://88ad9cb6-6a34-47d6-8bfd-a0897da0f8ea/userscripts/nHentai%20Helper.user.js?id=88decaf3-4e95-428c-8ff9-a196737d6f8f
Source Map URL: comlink.min.js.map

Опубліковано: 25.06.2022

Okay, I gave up... Now all use fastly.jsdelivr.net

Please try again.

Опубліковано: 25.06.2022
Edited: 25.06.2022

it works, Thank You

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