Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121

Adding things here and there in Harem Heroes game.

< Відгуки до Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121

Відгук: OK - script works, but has bugs

Опубліковано: 16.06.2020

Updates needed...

Hello, the script is no longer up to date due to the latest updates of the manufacturers. In the harem area, the images in the info block are no longer displayed correctly. The color highlighting of trolls with girls at events does not work anymore. There are probably more areas that need to be revised, maybe other users can add them here in the comments. I hope that the developer reads this and adapts the script :)


Опубліковано: 21.06.2020
Edited: 21.06.2020

In the harem area, the images in the info block are no longer displayed correctly. The color highlighting of trolls with girls at events does not work anymore.


ps: I found that although the image links are correct, they are not loaded. Still investigating ...

Опубліковано: 24.06.2020

to make league stuff usable replace code at 1813 with the following

if (league_tag == 9) {
    $('div.league_end_in').append('<span class="scriptLeagueInfo">'

// + ' ' + leagueWinnings // + 'Refill costs: " + nThousand(leagueRefillCost) + ' (+' + leagueFifteenCost + ')
Highest reward: ' + nThousand(leagueKobans) + '
' + ' ' + challengesPossible + '/' + challengesLeft + ' _ _ _ _ _ _ ' + '' + texts[lang].challenges_regen + challengesPossible + texts[lang].challenges_left + challengesLeft + '' + ' ' + maxDemoteDisplay + '' + texts[lang].demote + nThousand(maxDemotePoints) + ' ' + texts[lang].points + '.' + ''); } else { $('div.league_end_in').append('' // + ' ' + leagueWinnings // + 'Refill costs: ' + nThousand(leagueRefillCost) + ' (+' + leagueFifteenCost + ')
Highest reward: ' + nThousand(leagueKobans) + '
' + ' ' + challengesPossible + '/ ' + challengesLeft + ' _ _ _ _ _ _ ' + '' + texts[lang].challenges_regen + challengesPossible + texts[lang].challenges_left + challengesLeft + '' + ' ' + maxStagnateDisplay + ' _ _ _ _ _ _ ' + '' + texts[lang].promote + nThousand(maxStagnatePoints) + ' ' + texts[lang].points + '.' + ' ' + maxDemoteDisplay + '' + texts[lang].demote + nThousand(maxDemotePoints) + ' ' + texts[lang].points + '.' + '
'); }

Опубліковано: 24.06.2020

for event villans replace the following at line 639

if (typeof event_object_data !== 'undefined') { event_object_data.girls.forEach(function(girl) { if(girl.hasOwnProperty('troll')) {


if (typeof event_data !== 'undefined') { event_data.girls.forEach(function(girl) { if(girl.hasOwnProperty('troll') && girl.troll != null) {

Опубліковано: 24.06.2020

the rest is still usable, the original images that the script used were deleted by imgur so there isnt much u can do to get those back

Опубліковано: 25.06.2020

for images replace the following:

f="stats" src="https://i.imgur.com/DwsBavN.png" to f="stats" src="https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2018/08/14/uyC.png"

'background-image: url("https://i.imgur.com/hnnHBux.png");' to 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/01/07/0Gsvn.png");'

'background-image: url("https://i.imgur.com/7nhmtbM.png");' to 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/09/13/FPE.png");'

'background-image: url("https://i.imgur.com/7nhmtbM.png");' to 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/09/13/FPE.png");'

'background-image: url("https://i.imgur.com/gcHRutY.png"); }'); to 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2016/12/29/R9HWCKEtD.png"); }');

'background-image: url("https://i.imgur.com/hnnHBux.png"); }'); to 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2017/01/07/0Gsvn.png"); }');

'background-image: url("https://i.imgur.com/sXeZTZL.png"); }'); to 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2016/08/30/gNUo3XdY.png"); }');

'background-image: url("https://i.imgur.com/gcHRutY.png");' to 'background-image: url("https://i.harem-battle.club/images/2016/12/29/R9HWCKEtD.png");'

Опубліковано: 02.07.2020
Edited: 27.07.2020

For people who just want to fix missing images, i let you the fixed script below. I just added the Jaraya replacing links.


For the author, 1121 : Feel free to remove this post once you fixed your script.

Edit 28/07/2020 : Links updated into new valid adresses. New userscript here : https://hastebin.com/iyuhinebec.user.js

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