Porn Multi-Search

show options for search request where you can choose your favorite porn site search engine.

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Опубліковано: 19.10.2022

This is great.

I've go no complaints and applaud your work here, however, if you're taking user suggestions/feedback re: possible tweaks/improvements - it'd be cool if the other search options were available *prior* to executing the search, so that it could be executed at one of the other options instead if end-user so chooses. Perhaps the overlay could be shown as soon as the user's cursor enters the search field? Not sure how feasible tbis is, however, if you can only honor 1 or otherwise need to prioritize then I'd much rather it be this next one...

Which I'll preface with a question: Are there any plans to include additional pr0n search options beyond the current 3? A few more options or even better, user configurable options would really put this script over th top and while I can't speak for anyone other than myself, I could imagine that if you implemented 1 or both of these changes & it continued to work as well as it does right now, I could easily see it breaking into the top 10 SleazyFork scripts.

Options I'd like to see:**, Xhamster, PornEZ, YouPorn, Spankbang, Youjizz, Daftsex, Biqle, RedTube

I'd be so grateful if you were to implement these changes, even just the second of the two and to express my gratitude, the moment that I see the changes take effect I'll donate Monero/BTC/whatever contributions you take in exchange for fulfilling 1 or both requests.

**I subscribe to PH Premium ( i don't need to but I think I do it to try to offset all the pr0n I watch without paying. I do the same thing with mainstream stuff, i'll subscribe to services that I don't necessarily need to subscribe to just to try to offset all the content I watch via Kodi) and would love to be able to use your script on the premium half of the site...

Опубліковано: 19.10.2022

Wow! The biggest feedback I have read. Okay buddy, let's start from the beginning.

First, I'm currently working at XVideos+, Rule34+ and Greasy Fork++ (yes, I really like plus symbol) and developing my website, so I don't have that much time as it was, but I think implementing your requests will not take much time. (If my English is good enough, and I understand them correctly)

About search parameters and searching before actual search request.

Almost every website (that has search) uses custom parameters for search, that's makes everything difficult because I can't really just replace parameters names. Searching before for something before request... Yea, I think that's totally possible, also, I think I'm going to add some animations and transitions to it. (Dropdown menu is only option here)

About search engines.

Not sure about custom ones, but other ones are totally implementable.

About the premium thing...

I don't have access to premium accounts, so I can't test my scripts on them, that's the reason why my scripts incompatible with premium versions of websites.

Give my about a week, and I'm gonna update this script :p

Other stuff

Do you have any ideas about what UI you want for that? Dropdown menu, popup, modal window? (You can search at internet what those things are, if you don't know)

And last thing I have to ask you. Using PH premium what is domain name of the website? or Maybe other domain?

Опубліковано: 23.10.2022
Edited: 23.10.2022

@boognish-rising, Just updated script! Checkout new version! As I said, search parameters wasn't implementable, by the way now you can add your custom search engines :) script will automatically found search field, so you don't need to do this by your self. (I give example of custom search engine, so it shouldn't be hard). Plus I added favicons, so you can choose from what service you want favicon - google or duckduckgo (and they are different). Also, you can choose amount of columns you want (default is 3).

Опубліковано: 24.10.2022

@boognish-rising, Just updated script! Checkout new version! As I said, search parameters wasn't implementable, by the way now you can add your custom search engines :) script will automatically found search field, so you don't need to do this by your self. (I give example of custom search engine, so it shouldn't be hard). Plus I added favicons, so you can choose from what service you want favicon - google or duckduckgo (and they are different). Also, you can choose amount of columns you want (default is 3).

Absolutely amazing. I never could've dreamed for such quick turnaround time. I'm not able to try out the updates just this moment but as soon as I get some free time I definitely will take it for a spin! I'll be sure to report back, even if just to say that you nailed it!

As for the couple of questions you posted the other day (sorry the delay, I was having difficulty signing into SF. I was signed into GF but it wouldn't carry over to sleazyfork for some reason. I kept getting a "csrf_detected" error no matter what I tried. It was very frustrating but ultimately clearing cache and a hard reset/power cycle did the trick):

the domain for PHPremium is If you didn't confirm as much already. If you ever want to extend your scripts to the premium side of PH, I'm happy to make myself available for testing things out, etc. and depending upon the need, etc. might even agree to giving you my login info for temporary use if doing so will ultimately benefit many.

As for the UI/UX. honestly I didn't find either to be at all lacking with the script as it was but I'll keep your question regarding dropdown vs popup vs modal window in mind when I get a chance to test out the updates you made and if I have any thoughts, etc. concerning any of that, I'll be sure to share it.

Thanks a lot NotYou! Once I get a chance to take the updated script for a test drive, I'll be sure to keep my word regarding a contribution. If you have any preference of what form it might take, just let me knoww (though I feel like I recall mention of Monero)

I'll report back before long. Thx again!

Опубліковано: 24.10.2022

@boognish-rising, long feedback writer strikes again! Actually, I finished the script about 2 days ago, but it needed some tests. Hope you are going to like it!

As I know, greasy fork (and sleazy fork) randomly generates csrf token every time to make sure that your token is in safety, so nobody will steal it. Probably your browser saved the token in cache, so you were using an expired token to log in.

Yeah, I already get domain name, but I'm not able to test it, if you have free time to test PHPrem search in PMS, I would be really happy to see results.

Actually, I created my custom thing, I can't really call it dropdown or popup, but if you want I can create both of them (I have ready code, so it would be it easy).

No problem, bud :) Yes, preferred currency is Monero (both of us save anonymity)

Hope to see your report asap!

Опубліковано: 25.10.2022

I've never been accused of being "short-winded" 🤣

I should have a chance to give it a test drive this evening. Either way, as soon as I do I'll be sure to provide some feedback for you and if my wordy, overly descriptive tendencies are not preferred then I can be a man of much fewer words. Not without some effort, but it can be done lol

Опубліковано: 26.10.2022

@boognish-rising, not really accusing you :p

Just you only person who writes long feedback (those I know), actually long feedback are better because you can describe in more details thing about script. Sorry for late answer, was busy yesterday, still waiting for your report :)

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