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Handy Image

Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites

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Posted: 10-02-2015

Fix: imgur

imgur doesn't work with gifs

OwynTác giả
Posted: 10-02-2015


Posted: 12-02-2015

It is now showing a logo on a gallery page

OwynTác giả
Posted: 12-02-2015


Posted: 13-02-2015

There are two more gallery link formats I guess

OwynTác giả
Posted: 14-02-2015


Posted: 02-03-2016
Edited: 02-03-2016

So what is the desired behaviour of the script in galleries? Because using @user11 examples, the first gallery opens the third image, and the second gallery opens the first image.

Edit: Also, firefox complains about mixed content when using the addon https everywhere.

OwynTác giả
Posted: 02-03-2016

Script shouldn't run in galleries, fixed imurl

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