Wide ExHentai

Wide ExHentai.org - support for wide 1920px monitors

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Posted: 05-08-2014

Visited links

>visited links highlighting on search-page
How does this exactly work? I have the e-hentai highlighter script installed so there may be a conflict.

OwynTác giả
Posted: 05-08-2014
Edited: 05-08-2014

>How does this exactly work?

like on standart websites where visited links are in different color, - in search, gallery titles would be pink if already visited

see screens on the description page: https://greasyfork.org/scripts/112-wide-exhentai

Posted: 05-08-2014

I see that now. It seems like the e-hentai highlighter script does override that function. EH highlighter turns any highlighted gallery titles to black, rather than white.
I tried setting Wide ExHentai to run first in my extensions list but that didn't work.

Any galleries not affected by EH highlighter does work though.

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