nHentai Downloader

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< Feedback on nHentai Downloader

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 13-03-2021

Was a very useful script, but stopped working recently.
Now it just hangs forever with "Waiting", doesn't download anymore.

lelinhtinhTác giả
Posted: 13-03-2021

Please check the list below:

  • Use the latest version of the Chrome or Firefox browser.
  • Manage userscript by Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey.
  • Use the latest version of this script.
  • Enable 3rd-party cookies to allow streaming downloads.
lelinhtinhTác giả
Posted: 13-03-2021

Enable 3rd-party cookies to allow streaming downloads

In incognito mode, you need to give service worker access to lelinhtinh.github.io for StreamSaver.js to work.

Enable 3rd-party cookies

Give service worker access

Posted: 30-05-2021
Edited: 30-05-2021

Unblocking lelinhtinh.github.io worked
Enabling all third party cookies is a very bad advice to give, since it allows every other site to track you.

lelinhtinhTác giả
Posted: 05-04-2022

Unblocking lelinhtinh.github.io workedEnabling all third party cookies is a very bad advice to give, since it allows every other site to track you.

Only lelinhtinh.github.io. Moreover, third-party cookies in the description is an incorrect word. In this case, my script used Service Worker.

The source code is available at lelinhtinh/lelinhtinh.github.io/stream (a copy of jimmywarting/StreamSaver.js)

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