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PH - Search & UI Tweaks

Various search filters and user experience enhancers

Tính đến 17-09-2020. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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A comprehensive script to simplify search and also manipulate PH UI. A UI toggled by a yellow line button on the left side is included to control the script completely.

What's New in v2.2

  • New filter to hide videos from verified sources
  • More performance improvements
  • UI reorganization for better viewing on tablets

Video Filtering

  • Hide Paid/Premium/Private Videos
  • Hide Recommended Videos
  • Hide SD Videos
  • Hide Unrated/Paid Videos
  • Hide Videos From Professional Channels
  • Hide Videos From Verified Users, Couple and Models
  • Hide Videos With Names Containing Blacklisted Words
  • Hide Watched Videos
  • Minimum/Maximum Rating
  • Minimum/Maximum Duration
  • Minimum/Maximum Views
  • Name Sanitization

Link Manipulations

  • Disable Playlist Controls On Videos Opened From Playlists
  • Directly Jump To User Public Video Pages

UI Manipulations

  • Remove All iFrames
  • Remove Live Model Streams
  • Remove Porn Stars Listing (sidebar)


  • Script supports search, playlists, profiles and video pages
  • GreaseMonkey v4+ is unsupported

Feedback welcome!

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