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EH Plus

Gallery index/search: Improves appearance/layout, parses and cleans up titles. Can hide/fade galleries by tag (requires flagging perk). Can resort gallery thumbs which is useful when hiding. Gallery view: Can adjust thumb sizes to make neat rows (requires large thumb perk). General: Option for grey color scheme by rewriting css (might have a few issues). Settings panel pops out on the left on mouseover on pages where it works.

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FyxieTác giả
Posted: 17-08-2014
Edited: 26-08-2014

Manual import of firefox visited gallery history

Here is the process I used and it seems to be working. Only worth the effort if you want to some times hide all the galleries you've visited and you also keep a really deep history in firefox.

open places.sqlite (i used firefox addon SQLite Manager)

run query:
FROM moz_places
where rev_host like 'gro.iatneh%' and url like '%/g/%'

select everything, copy as csv into editor with regexp replace (i use notepad++ but it likes to crash)

regexp replace .*/g/(\d*)/.* with $1
(should now be a list of numbers)
regexp replace \r\n with , and remove last comma
(now list of numbers with commas 1,2,3,4) (some may be repeated but it shouldn't be a problem)

paste list into 'visited list goes here' below and add it to the greasemonkey script somewhere. Load a EH page once with the added code and then you can remove it assuming it worked. If you get an alert something didn't work.

function initdb() {
//init visiteddb with csv export from ff
$rawcsv = [visited list goes here];
$allvisited = [];
for (var i = $rawcsv.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
$key = $rawcsv[i];
$allvisited[$key] = true;
GM_setValue("eh_galdb", uneval($allvisited));
//GM_setValue("eh_galdb", uneval({})); //reset galdb

try { initdb(); }
catch (e) { alert(e); }

FyxieTác giả
Posted: 17-08-2014
Edited: 17-08-2014

Incidentally, I have visisted 19,498 different galleries.

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