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EH Plus

Gallery index/search: Improves appearance/layout, parses and cleans up titles. Can hide/fade galleries by tag (requires flagging perk). Can resort gallery thumbs which is useful when hiding. Gallery view: Can adjust thumb sizes to make neat rows (requires large thumb perk). General: Option for grey color scheme by rewriting css (might have a few issues). Settings panel pops out on the left on mouseover on pages where it works.

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Posted: 14-12-2014

taking long to load

Hi, latelly when refreshing any search results, with this script enable is taking like an extra 2 or 3 seconds to load, working good with script disabled, I'm the only one with this problem?

Posted: 16-12-2014
Edited: 16-12-2014

more tests, after deleting cookies it works good again, it still remembers wich galeries I visited, but can't make the Highlight function to work again, have tried "tag:english:yellow" for example and doesnt' work anymore, also tags aren't appearing anymore on thubnails view

after going to settings and disabling Tag Flagging, saving, enabling Tag Flagging, saving
tags and highlight worked again, but again having the long loading times when searching, looks like the problem is on the tags

FyxieTác giả
Posted: 18-01-2015

I refactored how the visited database works. This should improve performance and hopefully fix your issues.

Posted: 18-01-2015
Edited: 18-01-2015

updated to 2015.1.16, migrated old db and I'm not sure but I think I deleted the old one
same problem still happens, please keep in mind problem dissapear when I disable tag flags on EH

any other test I should do or can you send me a debug version to send you logs?

FyxieTác giả
Posted: 25-01-2015
Edited: 25-01-2015

Some things you could try:
-empty hide/neverhide/hilight boxes and see if it helps (can save your original values in notepad)
-try disabling half of your tags, then the other half and see if a particular tag is causing problems (in the eh settings page)
-try default sorting (don't think this would matter though)
-competely reset EH config
[Go to about:support, click on Show Folder for Profile Folder and close web browser. go to gm_scripts folder and move the three files for its database (EH_Plus.db, EH_Plus.db-shm, EH_Plus.db-wal) out to a folder on your desktop. They'll be recreated from scratch next time you start the web browser. It could be undone by closing the browser and dropping them back over the new files.

Posted: 25-01-2015
Edited: 25-01-2015

-empty hide/neverhide/hilight boxes and see if it helps (can save your original values in notepad)
ANSWER: emptied, same result

-try disabling half of your tags, then the other half and see if a particular tag is causing problems (in the eh settings page)
ANSWER: THIS IS! it's not related with one particular tag, but tag quantity, no matter wich ones I removed, the more tags I removed the faster it was, since I use almost all tags, it takes long to me, can you reproduce it? just add as many tags as you can and refresh a search result

-try default sorting (don't think this would matter though)
ANSWER: yeah I always use default sorting

-competely reset EH config
[Go to about:support, click on Show Folder for Profile Folder and close web browser. go to gm_scripts folder and move the three files for its database (EH_Plus.db, EH_Plus.db-shm, EH_Plus.db-wal) out to a folder on your desktop. They'll be recreated from scratch next time you start the web browser. It could be undone by closing the browser and dropping them back over the new files.
ANSWER: done, it was taking the same time or longer

FyxieTác giả
Posted: 29-01-2015

I checked in an update that should speed up adding tags into the page. For me it's about 100ms gain but I think it will be a bigger gain with more tags enabled. See if it improves things for you.

Posted: 30-01-2015

updated to 2015.01.28, still takes 3-4 seconds to refresh the page with tags enabled

FyxieTác giả
Posted: 31-01-2015

What time does it report in the web consle (control-shift-k) after loading a page. With 200 tiles i get 450ms with no tags on, and 900ms with ~45 tags on.

Posted: 31-01-2015
Edited: 31-01-2015

"ehp total: 2679 ms" this one?
around 45 tags too

are you running it on a ssd?

FyxieTác giả
Posted: 01-02-2015

Yes, ssd here.

I checked in another speedup. I see about a 100ms boost but should be more with more tags on. If it's still slow I can try setting up some detailed counters to find it.

Posted: 01-02-2015

seems to be working perfect now
"ehp total: 170 ms"
what it was if I can ask?

I'm going to prepare a lot of tickets for the other bugs, already reported them on other threads but some got fixed and other weren't, should I open 1 per bug or all bugs in 1?

FyxieTác giả
Posted: 02-02-2015

The older version of the eh site requried saving the tag colors to a database. It was re-saving it for each tag which was slowing it down. Writing to the database hits the disk which would explain the hdd vs ssd performance. Since it isn't even needed now I took it out.

If you make a list of issues I can go over it when I have time.

I'm actially in the middle of completely rewriting the script right now. The new version uses the tag api. It is still under construction.

Posted: 02-02-2015
The new version uses the tag api. It is still under construction.

I don't know what's that tag api or which improvements it will have, how's that new version different than current one?

I have reported 2 ERRORS (problems that stop functionality) and 1 WARNING (error popup that allows normal functionality after accepting)

suggestions are just personal things I would like to see implemented but you have the last word about if they are good ideas or not.

FyxieTác giả
Posted: 04-02-2015

Tag API allows you to get all tags, archive download links, precise rating, file size, japanese title.

The main feature that I would use is archive downloads right from the search page.

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