NHentai Improved

Partially fade/remove non-english, HQ thumbnails, mark as read, subs, version grouping etc.

< Feedback on NHentai Improved

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 24-12-2024

After updating to 2.0.1/2.0.0 the non-english handling doesn't work when scrolling past the first page, it shows jap/cn, not even fading it. The Tag-handling also stopped working after the rewrite, or rather, it just got rid of tags I blacklisted using the scripts system without transferring the tags and such to the account, additionally, even when blacklisting tags using nhentais system, they just fade to ~0.3 opacity instead of being hidden completely. Gonna use 1.10.8/1.10.10 in the meantime. Nice script otherwise though :)

HentiedupTác giả
Posted: 24-12-2024
Edited: 24-12-2024

non-english handling doesn't work when scrolling past the first page

It's working fine for me. What browser and userscript manager are you using?

Blacklisting feature was removed in it's entirety, since it was old and had some issues and the site has it's own blacklisting feature now. The site's own blacklisting fade thing is their feature. Transfering blacklisted tags from my old system to the site's own system is nontrivial and not something I intend to do. Improving the site's own blacklisting will probably be my next thing on the agenda after fixing any remaining bugs.

Posted: 24-12-2024

I'm using Opera GX on LVL 6 (core: 115.0.5322.113) with Tampermonkey. The blacklisting fade feature is exactly the thing I don't want, because it sort of misses the point of a blacklist imo. I'll just stay on 1.10.8 since I like the blacklisting method that version uses. Transferring the blacklisted tags and such is more of a peeve than an actual nuisance, since it's legit just typing the tags I blacklisted over to the site, although, it would be nice to be able to see which ones I had blacklisted in the 2.0.1 since it doesn't show that anywhere anymore, prompting to go back to 1.10.8 to see the tags to carry over on the latest version again. Not a bug or anything, just, annoying ._.

As for the scrolling past first page again, it appears that the change in filters you mentioned might cause that to happen, assuming it doesn't check dynamically. Happy to give uneducated feedback anytime :)

HentiedupTác giả
Posted: 24-12-2024

Yeah I agree about the site's own blacklist feature. The first thing I'll do about it after I've solved this other bug, is have an option to completely remove blacklisted(by site's system) comics.

As for the non-english bug...
I found it. It appears that specifically the comics loaded in through infinite load (ONLY if removing them, not fading) cause an issue. I'm looking into it now, though I don't see how this is happening tbh...

Posted: 24-12-2024

Might be a bandaid fix but adding a check to the scrolling/loading of the next page process that reapplies the "filter" for the non-english stuff, if you get what I'm trying to say.

HentiedupTác giả
Posted: 24-12-2024

Should be fixed now. Let me know if you're still experiencing the non-english issue with v2.0.2

Posted: 24-12-2024

Non-english issue seems to be fixed, only thing keeping me from using that version now is the blacklist, tbh.

HentiedupTác giả
Posted: 24-12-2024

There is now also a new feature in the settings (on by default) that lets you remove blacklisted comics instead of the native fade behavior.

Posted: 25-12-2024

Updated, transferred my blacklisted tags from the previous version, will be using the latest version from now on. Would love the option to quickly blacklist tags like in 1.10.8, not sure how that would work with the script now using the sites blacklist, but one can hope.

Posted: 25-12-2024

Just noticed that the "Mark as read" button is missing on the latest version of the script. My previously marked as read doujins keep the mark and fade, it's just the button that's missing.

Posted: 25-12-2024

Also, just saw that under "More like this", the non-english filter doesn't apply anymore. Not sure if intended or not, but blacklisting japanese and chinese in the languages fixed it.

HentiedupTác giả
Posted: 28-12-2024

There was an issue with the new native blacklist fetching throwing a fatal error that would stop the rest of the script as well, causing the other issues you mentioned.

Should be fixed now.

Posted: 28-12-2024

Appears to be working fine, will look out for features that break or don't work as intended. Thanks for the quick updates.

Posted: 29-12-2024
Edited: 29-12-2024

I'd like to request a feature, the function to hide marked as read doujins, like the non-english function. Not sure how comfortable you are with adding buttons to the top bar of nhentai but having a toggle either at the top or somewhere on the side maybe, that allows to toggle that feature, showing marked as read ones again. Also, I don't know how the script would read the data for that but maybe add an option to hide favorites from showing up outside of the actual favorites page, maybe by fetching a list of all favorites on demand when on the favorites page as not to read the favorites constantly, only concern would be that the script would need to have access to the account which some might not like or might not be allowed at all, not sure, though I wouldn't mind personally.

Love the script and the work you put in, excuse my rambling, I can make it more concise if need be, just ask.

HentiedupTác giả
Posted: 29-12-2024

Thanks for the ideas. I'll keep it in mind.
Hiding marked as read I will probably do later, but I'm not sure about adding a toggle for it in the header, since no other options have that, so I feel like it's kinda weird to have it for that. Maybe I'll add an option like "Show toggle in header" for all the hiding options at some point.

Posted: 29-12-2024

Fair point, having a toggle for different settings separately would be nice to have, as in having a button/slider/whatever for the options the user wants to see would be nice to have.

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