Add button on exhentai searchbox

Add your favorite keyword/tag on the searchbox

< Feedback on Add button on exhentai searchbox

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 16-12-2022


Posted: 04-02-2023


it's annoying easy to lose your meticulously crafted tag list and having to redo it from scratch over and over because settings are stored in a flimsy cookie and constantly get lost.

i guess can live with that. sure would be nice to export settings to a file though.

Posted: 04-02-2023

ALSO ...

while i'm here i wanted to ask what color picker is for.
doesn't seem to be doing anything or maybe i'm using it wrong.

Posted: 04-02-2023
Edited: 04-02-2023


figured out how to backup settings data from local storage to a file and restore it using LocalStorage Editor extension for firefox

my only annoyance is solved and i've learned something new today.

sachialanlusTác giả
Posted: 07-02-2023


it's annoying easy to lose your meticulously crafted tag list and having to redo it from scratch over and over because settings are stored in a flimsy cookie and constantly get lost.

i guess can live with that. sure would be nice to export settings to a file though.

You can right click on "+" button, a color picker will poped up to let you choose the color.
Then you can drag&drop the "+" button onto the desired tag, it will be "dyed" with the color you pick.

Like you said, the setting is stored in the localstorage.
That is because there is another script which will use the same setting as well.
This is not the usecase of scriptstorage and cookie.

I will try to add the import&export feature in the next update.

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