Harem Stats + League stats + Image Viewer(Harem-,Event-Site) (Lightbox).
< 脚本Harem Heroes Stats (Not Working)的反馈
idk what u wan't to be improvement, because it's only for Stat's and not for a Automatic-script
OK - Passable; the script works, but it has major shortcomings!
This new version 0.1.3 was worse than the previous one !!!
When entering the Harem the status information box is automatically minimized, being that before it remained displayed until you clicked outside of it or made any movement, which allowed you to see the progress without having to open it, it was better the way In addition, when activating it, the Chat stops working well, now it is impossible to see the messages or send them, in addition to seriously interfering with the Script "HaremHeroes Automatic++" causes it to hang and not advance with the automatic executions of any of the commands, being that previously both worked perfectly at the same time without interfering with each other, for my part I will return to version 0.1.2 until these errors are corrected, Thank you!
By Google Translate
OK - Pasable; el script funciona, pero tiene carencias importantes!
Esta nueva version 0.1.3 resulto peor que la anterior!!!
Al entrar en el Harem el cuadro de información del estatus se minimiza en automático, siendo que antes permanecía desplegado hasta que dieras click fuera de el o hicieras algun movimiento, lo que te permitía ver el progreso sin tener que abrirlo, era mejor de la manera original, ademas al activarlo deja de funcionar bien el Chat, ahora es imposible ver los mensajes o mandarlos, ademas de interferir seriamente con el Script "HaremHeroes Automatic++" hace que se trabe y no avance con las ejecuciones automáticas de ninguno de los comandos, siendo que anteriormente funcionaban ambos perfectamente al mismo tiempo sin interferir uno con el otro, por mi parte me regreso a la versión 0.1.2 hasta que corrijan esos errores grabes, Gracias!
OK - Passable; the script works, but it has major shortcomings!
This new version 0.1.3 was worse than the previous one !!!
When entering the Harem the status information box is automatically minimized, being that before it remained displayed until you clicked outside of it or made any movement, which allowed you to see the progress without having to open it, it was better the way In addition, when activating it, the Chat stops working well, now it is impossible to see the messages or send them, in addition to seriously interfering with the Script "HaremHeroes Automatic++" causes it to hang and not advance with the automatic executions of any of the commands, being that previously both worked perfectly at the same time without interfering with each other, for my part I will return to version 0.1.2 until these errors are corrected, Thank you!
By Google Translate