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Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites
You can run any javascript/bookmarklet with the script.
Or you could add such hotkey into custom action js for your needs.
I couldn't get it in the custom js so I just edited the script.
DOM_VK_I: 73,
case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_I:
window.location.href = i.src;
you just need to put whole function there and addEventListener with it
You're right or else I'll have to edit the script every time I update it.
Actually, sounds like a useful addition
Any reasons why would that be useful?
Speaking of additions, would be nice to have a section in the script for rules that return two or more photos instead of one, and having new hotkeys to switch between them.
You'll need some kind of gallery viewer script for that, it's not it definately.
Suggestion: Hotkey to open the current image directly with browser
I noticed that when the script is running you can't run any javascript/bookmarklet. So you'll have to reload the page with "r" to get everything back to normal or to have the option "Open images directly with browser" always activated. I would suggest adding a hotkey that can switch and open the current image directly with browser :)