Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121

Adding things here and there in Harem Heroes game.

< 腳本Harem Heroes++ modified by 1121的回應



Some icons still missing and graphics to shift

I would thank to have fixed almost all the icons: now I see correctly the camembert menu in the market and the ymens and kobans icons inside the menu, along with the "?" icons near the affection stars and near the stats in the market. Alas, the "?" icons in the corner of the market inventory (above the "Equip" button), at least for me, are still missing (tried to add an image to show, but the forum keeps telling me "image failed to load")

I would also like to give some suggestion on the main screen and harem screen graphics. As I see it, it would be best to pull the adventure button more to the center of the screen, to the left of the league token counter, and displace the "fight a villain" list to the left of the league token counter. Especially the villain list must be displaced, as it is superimposed in some subscreens, sometimes becoming fastidious despite his undeniable usefulness. The League token counter, if possible, should be shifted a few pixels higher, closer to the combativity bar (personally I think that even if the bar would get superimposed to the "+" of the combativity bar, it would be anyways a better view) I would also suggest, regarding the harem screen, if possible, to displace the wiki links from the top of the girls poses to the left, above the "Experience" label: being that part of the subscreen scrolling, even if the content gets displaced lower (as now does the girl poses pictures, giving a little bad view in some cases) that would not cause problems.

