Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.

< 腳本Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version的回應

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i believe the script has this option where it puts a number on the bosses you still have stuff to recruit on, that seems to be broken it shows 1 on all the bosses for pornstar and comix harem, and for hentai hereos it doesn't show any at all, aswell as when i go to pachinko every single girl is unknown for whatever reason for pornstar harem at least


If you go to the waifu page or the team edition page (where all your girls are shown), that should fix the issue for the bosses.

The game no longer give harem girls data in the harem page, so I have to find them elsewhere in the game.
But I have no more access to the girls data you don't already have in your harem, except when you get shards.


oh thanks man that worked :P also didn't there used to be links for the girls to push you to the wiki page?


I fixed the links to the wiki page for the girls.

