Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version

Adding things here and there in the Hentai Heroes game.

< 腳本Hentai Heroes++ (OCD) Season version的回應

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Fight simulation does rounding errors.
The picture attached happened to me a few days ago.

The simulation suggested I would win with 369,192 HP left.
Real result: I reached 369,193. So the script rounded down 1 time too many.

But more worryingly, the simulation suggested I should have finished beating that opponent at that point.
But in reality he had 3 HP left. So in this instance the script rounded down incorrectly 3 times. 1 incorrect HP per attack.
This meant the opponent landed an extra huge hit on me since his excitement bar was at 100%, which throws the simulation completely out of accuracy.

It there a solution to this?
I have the stats for myself and opponent during that time. Let me know if I should post them for you.


I think there is a bigger issue than just off by one errors.


No issue. It's just because the script displays what happens if your opponent has 1 critical hit and you 0. If the scenario is different, the result will be different.

About the roundings, I don't know how the game manages them, so I can't fix anything. Moreover, sometimes the roundings are exact.


Oh so it's kind of a worst case estimate.


Exactly, the script simulates the worst case scenario but doesn't take into account if the position given by the judge matches with alpha's position of the players.

