Pixiv Downloader

一鍵下載各頁面原圖。批次下載畫師作品,按作品標籤下載。轉換動圖格式:Gif | Apng | Webp | Webm | MP4。自定義圖片檔名,儲存路徑。保留 / 匯出下載歷史。Pixiv | Danbooru | ATFbooru | Yande.re | Konachan | Sakugabooru | Rule34 | Gelbooru | Safebooru | E621 | E926 | E6ai | Nijie.info

< 腳本Pixiv Downloader的回應

評論:正評 - 腳本一切正常


Hello,Thanks for great Script!
I have a bug since last update - on multi-page artworks i can only press download button at middle of the screen, except first page. (For that artwork set, bottom block with preview of others Arts works fine)
For example - if i navigate up\down when Button in top-right corner - cursor transforms in Up\Down navigation arrow. Tried to explain on screenshot. Using on Firefox 123.0


Hello,Thanks for great Script!
I have a bug since last update - on multi-page artworks i can only press download button at middle of the screen, except first page. (For that artwork set, bottom block with preview of others Arts works fine)
For example - if i navigate up\down when Button in top-right corner - cursor transforms in Up\Down navigation arrow. Tried to explain on screenshot. Using on Firefox 123.0

This is a css issue and will be fixed in the next update

