// ==UserScript==
// @version 0.2
// @description Venge.io HACKS
// @author Llama
// @match https://venge.io/
// @grant none
// @run-at document-end
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/662323
// ==/UserScript==
(async() => {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
const update = Movement.prototype.update;
Movement.prototype.update = function (t) {
update.apply(this, [t]);
this.player.throwCooldown = 0;
this.lastThrowDate = 0;
this.currentWeapon.spread = 0;
this.currentWeapon.recoil = 0;
this.currentWeapon.shootTime = .1;
this.currentWeapon.isAutomatic = true;
this.isLanded = true;
this.bounceJumpTime = 0;
this.isJumping = false;
this.isHitting = false;
})();// ==UserScript==
// @name Venge.io Hacks By CommanderPuli
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2.5
// @description Infinite Jump, Infinite ammo, Zero Recoil and custom fov for Venge.io!
// @author You
// @match https://venge.io/
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=venge.io
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// with this script, you get infinite ammo, fully custom fov, and infinite jump!
// change this to what u want ur fov to be:
var customFov = 103;
(function() {
'use strict';
alert("Injected Hacks By The Krunkador")
document.onkeypress = function (e) {
e = e || window.event;
Movement.prototype.setMovementAnimation = function(t) {
if (this.player.isDeath)
return !1;
var i = Math.sin(this.forwardCount / this.movementAnimationSpeed) * this.movementAnimationFactor * this.movementSpeed * this.animation.movementFactor * this.animation.movementFactorStatic * pc.settings.weaponBobbing,
e = Math.cos(this.forwardCount / this.movementAnimationSpeed) * this.movementAnimationFactor * this.movementSpeed * this.animation.movementFactor * pc.settings.weaponBobbing,
s = Math.cos(this.forwardCount / this.movementSwingSpeed) * Math.sin(this.forwardCount / this.movementSwingSpeed) * this.movementSwingFactor * 2 * this.movementSpeed * this.animation.movementFactor * this.animation.movementFactorStatic * pc.settings.weaponBobbing,
n = Math.cos(this.forwardCount / this.movementSwingSpeed) * this.movementSwingFactor * this.movementSpeed * pc.settings.weaponBobbing;
!this.isFocusing && this.movementSpeed > .8 ? this.animation.movementPositionZ = pc.math.lerp(this.animation.movementPositionZ, -.04, .08) : this.animation.movementPositionZ = pc.math.lerp(this.animation.movementPositionZ, 0, .1),
this.isJumping ? (i = 0,
e = 0,
s = 0,
this.animation.jumpHeight = pc.math.lerp(this.animation.jumpHeight, this.deltaHeight, .15)) : this.animation.jumpHeight = pc.math.lerp(this.animation.jumpHeight, 0, .1);
var o = this.weaponPositionEntity,
a = 1,
h = this.defaultFov,
r = this.defaultNonFov;
this.isFocusing && this.isReloading < this.timestamp && this.currentWeapon.isFocusable ? (o = this.focusPositionEntity,
a = .1,
h = this.currentWeapon.focusFov,
r = this.currentWeapon.focusFov,
this.isFocused || (this.directionSenseX = 5),
this.isFocused || this.currentWeapon.focus(),
this.isFocused = !0) : this.isFocused = !1,
this.isShooting > this.timestamp && (a = pc.math.lerp(a, 0, .1));
var p = this.animation.jumpHeight * this.animation.jumpHeight * .01;
p = Math.min(p, .08);
var m = .4;
"Shotgun" == this.currentWeapon.type && (m = .8);
var c = this.handEntity.getLocalPosition().lerp(this.handEntity.getLocalPosition(), o.getLocalPosition(), m);
"Sniper" == this.currentWeapon.type && this.isFocusing && this.now() - this.focusStartTime > 60 ? (this.currentWeapon.modelEntity.enabled = !1,
this.currentWeapon.armEntity.enabled = !1) : (this.currentWeapon.modelEntity.enabled = !0,
this.currentWeapon.armEntity.enabled = !0),
this.movementHolder.setLocalPosition(.1 * s * a + this.animation.bounceZ + this.animation.movementPositionZ, (i + p) * a + this.animation.landAngle * a, .2 * -s * a),
this.takePoint.setLocalEulerAngles(this.animation.takeX, this.animation.takeY, this.animation.takeZ);
var u = this.animation.cameraBounce;
if (this.isFocusing && (u = 0),
this.movementHolder.setLocalEulerAngles(u + this.animation.movementAngleX + this.animation.shootSwing + this.directionSenseX + s * this.movementAngleFactor * a + this.animation.jumpAngle * a * this.randomDirection, this.animation.movementAngleY + i + s * this.movementAngleFactor * a, this.animation.movementAngleZ + this.directionSenseZ + this.animation.jumpAngle * a),
this.headEntity.setLocalEulerAngles(.2 * -this.animation.jumpAngle * a - this.animation.cameraShootBounce, 0, 0),
this.weaponCenter.setLocalEulerAngles(this.animation.horizantalSpread + this.animation.weaponAngleX, -i * i + .1 * this.senseX + n + 20 * this.animation.bounceX + this.animation.weaponAngleY, this.animation.bounceAngle + this.animation.activeBounce + this.animation.weaponAngleZ + 80 * e * a),
this.weaponFront.setLocalEulerAngles(0, 0, n + s * s * 2),
this.isLeft ? (this.forwardCount += 1.25 * t,
this.movementSpeed = 1) : this.isBackward || this.isRight ? (this.forwardCount -= 1.25 * t,
this.movementSpeed = 1) : this.isForward ? (this.forwardCount += t,
this.movementSpeed = 1) : this.currentSpeed > .1 && (this.forwardCount += t,
this.movementSpeed = pc.math.lerp(this.movementSpeed, 0, .1)),
this.isShooting < this.timestamp) {
var l = 1;
this.isFocusing && (l = .12),
this.isLeft ? this.directionSenseX = pc.math.lerp(this.directionSenseX, -25 * l, .07) : this.isRight && (this.directionSenseX = pc.math.lerp(this.directionSenseX, 17 * l, .07)),
this.isBackward && (this.directionSenseZ = pc.math.lerp(this.directionSenseZ, .8, .1))
if (this.directionSenseX *= pc.settings.weaponLeaning,
this.directionSenseZ *= pc.settings.weaponLeaning,
this.directionSenseX = pc.math.lerp(this.directionSenseX, 0, .1),
this.directionSenseZ = pc.math.lerp(this.directionSenseZ, 0, .05),
this.currentSpeed = this.entity.rigidbody.linearVelocity.length(),
this.currentFov = pc.math.lerp(customFov, h, .4),
this.currentNonFov = pc.math.lerp(this.currentNonFov, r, .4),
this.cameraEntity.camera.fov = this.currentFov + this.animation.fov,
this.cameraNonFOVEntity.camera.fov = this.currentNonFov + this.animation.fov,
this.isForward || this.isBackward || (this.movementSpeed = pc.math.lerp(this.movementSpeed, 0, .05)),
this.isLeft || this.isRight || (this.movementSpeed = pc.math.lerp(this.movementSpeed, 0, .01)),
this.isJumping ? this.lastHeight > this.currentHeight ? this.deltaHeight += t * this.jumpHeightSpeed : this.deltaHeight -= t * this.jumpHeightSpeed : this.deltaHeight = pc.math.lerp(this.deltaHeight, 0, .01),
this.now() - this.lastFootDate > this.footSpeed && this.currentSpeed > 1 && this.isLanded) {
var d = this.groundMaterial + "-Run-" + (this.footCount + 1),
y = this.currentSpeed;
this.entity.sound.slots[d].pitch = 1 + .1 * Math.random(),
this.entity.sound.slots[d].volume = .2 + .2 * Math.random() + .3 * this.footForce,
(this.isLeft || this.isRight || this.isBackward) && (y += 50),
y += 20 * this.footForce,
this.lastFootDate = this.now() - y,
this.footForce = pc.math.lerp(this.footForce, 0, .2),
this.footCount = Math.floor(5 * Math.random())
pc.isFinished || this.locked || "Melee" != this.currentWeapon.type && (pc.settings.hideArms || (this.interface.crosshairEntity.enabled = !this.isFocusing),
this.interface.focusBulletsEntity.enabled = this.isFocusing),
"Sniper" == this.currentWeapon.type ? this.now() - this.focusStartTime > 60 && (this.currentWeapon.scopeOverlay.enabled = this.isFocusing) : this.isZoomEffectEnabled
Movement.prototype.playEffortSound = function(t) {
var i = Math.floor(1.4 * Math.random()) + 1,
e = "Throw-" + i;
t && (e = "Grunt-" + i),
this.app.fire("Character:Sound", e, .1 * Math.random())
Movement.prototype.setShakeAnimation = function(t) {
Movement.prototype.setAmmoFull = function() {
this.currentWeapon.ammo = 100000
this.app.fire("Overlay:SetAmmo", !0)
Movement.prototype.jump = function() {
if (this.jumpingTime = this.timestamp + this.jumpDuration,
this.isJumping = !0,
this.isLanded = !1,
this.airTime = this.now(),
this.randomDirection = Math.random() > .5 ? -1 : 1,
this.now() - this.lastImpactTime > 3e3) {
var t = "Jump-" + (Math.round(1 * Math.random()) + 1);
this.app.fire("Character:Sound", t, .1 * Math.random()),
this.entity.sound.slots["Only-Jump"].pitch = .1 * Math.random() + 1.1
if (this.dynamicGravity = 0,
this.app.fire("Overlay:Jump", !0),
this.isShooting > this.timestamp)
return !1;
jumpAngle: -11
}, .15, pc.BackOut).start()