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Create gallery from sequential images in a domain?

Create gallery from sequential images in a domain?

Over the years I've been using addons which are able to create a gallery of images that have sequential naming schemes (ie: website.com/image001.jpg .. website.com/image002.jpg.. etc), and firefox is updated, these addons become incompatible or the creator stops updating them. So is anyone able to make a script that mimics this functionality?

Here are some examples of addons I've used in the past:

Mozaic: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mozaicview/

firefusk: http://www.xoxosoma.com/code/firefusk/

pilfer: https://github.com/youbastard/Pilfer

None of which work anymore. If anyone is able to make something similar I would appreciate it.

Posted: 2019-11-21

Hi, Just wondering if you've got a solution for this yet?

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