Discussions » Creation Requests

Add button to page that opens the image displayed but with small URL modification.

Posted: 2020-06-05

Add button to page that opens the image displayed but with small URL modification.

  1. The button should appear on all pages with prefix "https://9gans.com/product/" (page example: https://9gans.com/product/9)
  2. Button placement doesn't matter as long as it's noticable
  3. Button should open the image in a new tab but replace "mini" with "originals" in the URL (URL example: https://storage.googleapis.com/9gans/mini/4.jpg?1591381411589 changes to: https://storage.googleapis.com/9gans/originals/4.jpg?1591381411589)

Note: regarding the URLs in item 3 above: By design, all images on this web site disappear after 60 minutes; so, depending on how quickly you read this forum post, the linked images may no longer exist.

Posted: 2020-07-28

that's easy to do

Posted: 2020-07-28

@hacker09 said: that's easy to do

Yeah, I suspected it wouldn't be hard to implement Unfortunately JS isn't part of my skill set so I don't know where to begin

Posted: 2020-07-29

// ==UserScript==
// @name Replace Mini Images On https://9gans.com/ With Originals To Make Images Bigger
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author hacker09
// @match https://storage.googleapis.com/9gans/mini/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';
document.location.replace(document.location.href.replace('mini', 'originals'));

Posted: 2020-07-29

The codes below works only if you add them to the dev console and press enter
(function() {
'use strict';
//document.location.replace(document.location.href.replace('mini', 'originals'));
//The line below creates an "a" element so the buttons will appear
var copyButton = document.createElement("a");
var url = document.querySelector("#___gatsby > div > div > main > div > div > div.css-1j9i99f.e1sle6qy0 > div").children[0].childNodes[0].currentSrc;
//The lines below will detect the mouse click, copy/open and search for the anime title
copyButton.addEventListener("click",()=>{window.open(url, "_blank")});
//The lines below are the CSS for the copy button
copyButton.setAttribute("style", "margin-left: 13px;height: 10px;width: 10px;background-size: cover;display: inline-block;transform: scale(1.8);vertical-align: top;margin-top: 7px;");
//The lines below are the copy button image converted to DATA URI
copyButton.style.backgroundImage = "url()";
//The lines below are the CSS for the copy button
document.querySelector("#___gatsby > div > div > main > div > div > div.css-1wakcbj.epdkhve2 > div.css-1dv8fo3.e1ruji7s0 > div").setAttribute("style", "display: inline-block;");

//The line below defines where the button should appear
document.querySelector("#___gatsby > div > div > main > div > div > div.css-1wakcbj.epdkhve2 > div.css-1dv8fo3.e1ruji7s0 > div").parentElement.appendChild(copyButton);

Posted: 2020-08-03
Edited: 2020-08-03

@Shawn Christy
Add these bookmarklet codes below as an favorite website on your browser,then click on this when you want to open the image.(search on google "add bookmarlet").

javascript:(function(){var url = document.querySelector("img.css-1573rvy.eh4dakc2").currentSrc;var urloriginals = url.replace("mini", "originals");window.open(urloriginals, '_blank')})()

Posted: 2020-08-14

Did you search on google "add bookmarklet"?

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