nHentai Helper

Download nHentai manga as compression file easily, and add some useful features. Also support some mirror sites.

As of 2022-08-15. See the latest version.

Filter: Last 30 days Last 365 days All time

Daily installs

Weekly installs

Daily update checks

Raw data

Date Installs Update checks
2024-05-14 21 2,433
2024-05-15 20 2,435
2024-05-16 15 2,431
2024-05-17 17 2,417
2024-05-18 16 2,364
2024-05-19 24 2,309
2024-05-20 11 2,427
2024-05-21 11 2,378
2024-05-22 10 2,360
2024-05-23 14 2,382
2024-05-24 10 2,400
2024-05-25 17 2,327
2024-05-26 18 2,283
2024-05-27 16 2,417
2024-05-28 7 2,331
2024-05-29 8 2,367
2024-05-30 12 2,403
2024-05-31 17 2,450
2024-06-01 14 2,690
2024-06-02 19 2,356
2024-06-03 15 2,430
2024-06-04 15 2,459
2024-06-05 15 2,488
2024-06-06 11 2,690
2024-06-07 18 2,439
2024-06-08 17 2,327
2024-06-09 22 2,351
2024-06-10 18 2,309
2024-06-11 12 2,474
2024-06-12 12 1,113
Download all data as: JSON CSV