Wide Xhamster on large screen (1920x1080) ONLY...
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
Adaptation to Xhamster code change: for some pornstar (not all yet...which lost all their infos in the same time!), that's the return to their thumbnail!I add too a fake Thumbnail for those without thumbnail
Corrections for search ...
Big corrections for Notification page + etc...
small corrections...
Adaptation for Xhamster code change in Video player pages...
Small corrections...
Improve Add to collections...
Improve the Edit collections...
small corrections..
small corrections
Add icon to the script
Adaptation Mobile design to Desktop...
Correction Pager video page...
Cor for CSS copr twice, corrections Blog pages and divers
Minify CSS + Many corrections for thumbnails hover..
Many corrections
Correction for Life show Widget in profile page and Thumbnails in Videos user page
Fix for Chrome: Our Favs Pages + Top Header nav
Big Avatar Hover in video page
Video page: Correction User Avatar in TAgs list (Big on Hover)
Correction for Hover Thumbnail Channels
Correction for code Change (Pornstar Avatar on Hover)
Correction for message input
Always try to fix thumbnails on hover (Tags + Pornstars)
Correction Tags pages (thumbnails hover)
Supp Prmium link in Top Nav Header
- FAVs Edition modal: ONLY for Waterfox.Supp these counters for Firefox and Chrome (not working and don't understand why...)- Style For video not visible
correction Suscriptions pages
Supp Active Colls Counter + Counter In Colls List for Chrome and Firefox Quantum (not working), but keep it for Waterfox because they work fine (why ??)- Minor correction in Pornstar Page
Small correction for video tags list in Video page
Fine tuning the new "ADD to Collection" popup:Add Total counter of Collection's)Add Active Collection's) Counter and a button at top right, to dell them one by one.
New "Three Dots" menu: Enlarge the Popup for "add to Collection"
corrections for Categories / Contest pages
Support the "Watch Later" introduced by Xhamster, corrections for Thumbnails hover
Corrections for Favorits pages
Some corrections video page + hover thumbnails
Adaptation for change code for Video page (Xhamster add a tabbed view for related videos)
Pornstar page: Fix when No Pornstar Logo
Fix for code change for Categories / Pornstar Flags
Corrections for Thumbnails on hover, Badges VR / HD etc....
Profile page and Big Thumbnail on Avatar in Video tags
Big Avatar on Hover in search menu of Video page
Added Celebrity too for BIG thumbnail on Hover (Video page)
Small correction for BIG Thumbnail of Performer on Hover - when it's a letter (Video page)
Corrections for Blogs pages with GM "Superloader"
Add too creator for the preview of BIG Actress Thumbnail on Hover (Video Page)
Preview BIG Pornstar thumbnail on hover (Video page)
Show all script versions